Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Interview & Giveaway - T.S. Worley

Everyone please welcome my good friends, author T.S. Worley!!

 Cross has been a very long work in progress, do you find that it’s easier to write the sequel now that book 1 has been laid out?
I do. I started Eden shortly after the completion of Cross but had to put it away. I felt as though I were almost waiting for approval before I could commit to it

In Cross we see Werewolves & Vampires, how do you think the paranormals in your book are different from other out there?
Well, religion plays a strong part but I think the inception of both factions and the subsequent path they follow is a unique perspective

Who are the major influences in life?
I was fortunate enough to have a medley of positive role models take part in my development. I have a multitude of resources to draw from

If you could go sky diving with any author out there, who would be it?
I am not.....I repeat...... I am not jumping out of an airplane

Where do you see your writing career in 5 years?
Complaining to my wife about who they have cast to play David on the big screen while sitting in bed clacking away at the keyboard

Werewolf or Vampire?
Now I can’t go picking favorites at this stage of the game

Disneyland or Water park?
More of a backyard slip and slide

Night or Day person?
Both, but from 4am to 6am and 4pm to 6pm...I am worthless

Ice Cream or Cake?
Hold the cake, please. I am more of a pie guy..... BUT if you have any peanut butter fudge lying round....I’ll take that

Automatic or Stick Shift?


Win an E-Copy of Cross!!

"David Cross lies dying along side a lonely forest road, his young, strong body broken and bleeding, death clawing at his tattered clothing. But soon, under fluorescent lighting and sterile surroundings, death is forever more held at bay. Under the watchful eye and skilled hand of the ancient vampire, Dr. Sonja Bashkar, David will gain eternal life and find himself thrust into a hidden world of vampires and werewolves, steeped in religious fervor and shrouded with doubt and mystery.

While the few remaining vampires, all female, herald the arrival of the first male vampire to live in more than 2000 years, troves of voracious werewolves, well entrenched in modern life, seek him out for extermination, fearing his very existence may bring about the very end of mankind."

All I want to know is Stick or Automatic?

Make sure you leave your deets:

  • Name
  • E-mail

And if you're feeling stalker-ish:

Contest will run thru 8/13/11, winner will be announced WEDNESDAY the 14th!

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