Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Interview & Giveaway - Ashley Blalock

Everyone welcome Ashley Blalock, author of An Immortal Legacy

Do you have a writing routine?

Well, I don’t really plan it all out ahead of time or brainstorm. I just put the pen to paper and it flows. Yeah, a story starts in my head but when I start writing is when characters come in, their names, personalities, and the situations they face. I write it all out on paper and then I enter it in the computer, deleting and adding as I go. Then after that I go through the manuscript to add another scene or two and edit.

 In An Immortal Legacy, there are a few things that mimic your life. (i.e. Twins, softball) If you could mimic something from the book in your life what would it be?

I would love to be telekinetic. How cool would that be? I could do work around the house without having to do any physical labor. I could also play tricks on people. That would be crazy.

Cameron, the hero, is a completely hunk! Who do you see playing him?

That is a tough one. I don’t really know. I didn’t really picture someone I knew when I described him; handsome, muscular, dark brown hair and gorgeous green eyes. Someone told me that there is a guy on a TV show that fits his description perfectly but I can’t remember what name or what show. Right off the top of my head the hunk that plays on the TV show White Collar, Neal Caffrey is closest. If he would put some green contacts in, WOW. I haven’t seen him without that suit on either…maybe he has a little muscle going on underneath.

Favorite book out right now?

As much as I hate to admit it, I don’t get to read as much as I would like. Between having a real job (yes, by day I am an evil tax collector) and a 2 year old and 3 year old, I am just excited to actually have a chance to rest. Most of the free time I have goes to writing and sleeping. But, I have started reading A Game of Thrones, which has started off very well.

Quickies (food edition):

Chocolate Chip or Oatmeal Cookies?

Ugh, meat… I’m not much of a sweets person. But, if I was starving and had to pick one, I would have to pick oatmeal I guess. It would be more filling. I know, I’m not a chocolate lover, I’m weird. I eat it sometimes but I don’t just crave it.
(you are a freak of nature...but I still <3 you)

Soup or Stew?


Fruit Salad or Potato Salad?

Potato salad

Steak or Chicken?

Hmmm, depends on my mood. Right now, chicken.

(sorry, I need to eat, lol)---Me too!



Ashley is kind enough to offer up 4 prize packages!

#1: 2 winners - each will get 1 copy of An Immortal Legacy, 1 bookmark and 1 pushcard

#2: 2 winners - the winners will get An Immortal Legacy Poster, 1 bookmark, 1 pushcard

Just leave a comment with the following:

  • Your favorite cookie
  • E-mail
  • Name
Contest is U.S. only, and will run until Wednesday, the 21st!

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