Saturday, June 30, 2012

*REVIEW* Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood

Everybody knows Cate Cahill and her sisters are eccentric. Too pretty, too reclusive, and far too educated for their own good. But the truth is even worse: they’re witches. And if their secret is discovered by the priests of the Brotherhood, it would mean an asylum, a prison ship—or an early grave.

Before her mother died, Cate promised to protect her sisters. But with only six months left to choose between marriage and the Sisterhood, she might not be able to keep her word... especially after she finds her mother’s diary, uncovering a secret that could spell her family’s destruction. Desperate to find alternatives to their fate, Cate starts scouring banned books and questioning rebellious new friends, all while juggling tea parties, shocking marriage proposals, and a forbidden romance with the completely unsuitable Finn Belastra.

If what her mother wrote is true, the Cahill girls aren’t safe. Not from the Brotherhood, the Sisterhood—not even from each other.

  Witches...  The one paranormal that I love in theory but tend to feel a little shorted when it comes to reading about them.  I want to love the books I read about them but always find that either the the stereotypes are too much or more importantly the main character falls short for me.  This book was the best exception I have ever picked up.  Jessica Spotswood created both an interesting realistic world and a main character that I totally love!

  Cate is so high strung.  I know that seems like a strange way to start a description but it was the first thing that came to mind and to be honest I can't blame her for being that way.  In a world where one wrong step can have you labelled as a witch, tried and sent away she is trying to keep not only herself a secret but her two sisters a secret as well.  Yup, I would be a little fraked out about everything as well.  Then you add the fact that she has to choose between marrying and becoming part of the Sisterhood, I was surprised she didn't break right down.  She is strong though and will do whatever it takes to keep her sisters safe.  

  There are many things that Cate has to over come in the book.  The biggest one being the choice between marrying and becoming a sister.  The choices for marriage aren't exactly diverse.  To be honest  the one person everyone considers to start drove me nuts from the start.  Paul was exactly what drives me nuts most in a guy.  He was cocky and so sure that he would get what he wanted that he couldn't see anything outside of his wants.  I did however manage to feel bad for him at times because despite his secure outside there is a need to be accepted by Cate.  Then there is Finn.  He isn't really an option being below Cate but oh boy is he awesome.  He is smart, protective and one of those all around good guys.  He is the one that you smile about while reading.

  The book keeps a steady pace and has a great story.  The world building was clear and I found some aspects almost eerie.  Sportswood created something special and interesting that had me interested from start to finish.  I will admit that the finish had me gripping the book a little harder than normal and rereading the last couple pages to make sure that I read it right.  I can't wait to get my hands on book #2!


Welcome to my stop in the:  The Lethal Blog Tour!!  Today I have
a review for you and also links for the giveaway annnd to all of the 
other awesome stops!!


  So lets start off with this book was not what I thought it was going to be!! Not in the "I want to tear my eye balls out so I don't have to read this" kind of way.  It was more of a "HOW DID I NOT READ THIS SOONER?!" kind of way.  I mean read the description and what do you think it's about? Now I want you to take that idea toss it aside and be ready to dive into something different and exciting!! I will say there is much I want to tell you but was torn about how much to give away and well the little detail that CHANGES EVERYTHING, I am leaving out.

  There is such wonderful characters and personalities in this book!! I mean you really get a little of everything and I felt each individual was really strongly written.  Each time a character came into the picture I had no problem seeing them and remembering who they were.  Isis has had her share of heart break and doesn't want to loose any more people in her life so she tries to remain distanced.  She has her mother and her friends Andy and Bill.  That is enough for her until she finishes school and gets started on her life.  To be honest I loved her so much.  She was stubborn, caring and all around what I like in a character.  Not to say she didn't have faults but who is perfect?  David *sigh* is the most romantic character ever!! The things that come out of his mouth is enough to make any woman swoon!!

"Beseech me;
I require no contest
Embrace me;
I shall not not wince away
Proclaim me;
I will forever stay"

  That's not even the best of it!! I totally want to leave some for you to discover!! There is so many spots that he puts normal men to shame.  Heck he puts most romantic book characters to shame and I LOVE him!

  I don't want to keep on and on but we also have Claire, Isis's mother.  I think she is a wonderful mother but at times felt that she was more a friend and too trusting.  Nyx, oh I enjoy her.  Every scene that she is in I love.  She is such a beautiful and wonderful woman.  I see her as the most beautiful in the story.  The Gemini, for those of you that don't know what the Gemini are: the twins :) Eryx... Oh boy if he was a romantic like his brother, I would be ALL OVER THAT!! Galen is very opinionated and I actually enjoyed him for that.  Alezzander scared the crap out of me!! Even when he calmed down!! SCARES ME!

  This book is so easy to fall into.  The story is so well written and even in the moments where there is some down time you are stuck to the pages.  The romance is strong and beautiful like the characters and real.  There is no insta love but a love that needs to be fought for.  One that you would risk your own life, your own heart to attain.  The only killer for me was the hard core cliff hanger at the end.  Cliff hangers are something I love and hate all at once!! I am eagerly awaiting the second book to this series and to be honest anything else that Nely Cab come out with!!

A Little Info:

Nely Cab was born on December 9, 1974, in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. She has lived and resided in a small, quiet South Texas town most of her life. Putting her Computer Accounting skills to use, Cab worked in banking for several years. In 2001, the author relocated to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, where she dedicated time to the study of culinary arts and the art of oil painting. After her return to the U.S., Nely resumed her employment in banking and later transitioned to the field of Social Work.
Today, Nely Cab writes from the comfort of her home, where she lives with her husband and son. Currently, the writer continues to work on her debut series "Creatura".
Links to Stalk Follow Nely:

Creatura Finding Links:
Barnes and Noble:
Nook book:
The Book Depository:
Powell's Books:

Other Stops you MUST Check out!!

June 15
TSK TSK What to Read
June 16
 Best Books
June 17
June 18
Alchemy of Annes Anomalies
June 19
June 20
Alba – Book Pics
June 21
Shadow Mundane
June 22
Paranormal Reads
June 23
Leather and Lace13
June 24
Angel Haze
June 25
Delphina Reads too Much
June 26
Bibliophile Mystery
June 27
June 28
Books Complete Me
June 29
Paranormal Book Club
June 30
 Escaping One Book at a Time
July 1
Bad Boys
July 2
Starry Night Book Reviews
July 3
The Secret Sanctuary of Books
July 4
Kristina’s Books and More
July 5
Amber’s Supernatural and YA Review
July 6
Juniper Grove
July 7
Books with Bite
July 8
Jean BookNerd
July 9
Mad Sheep

Also there is a giveaway with AMAZING prizes for you all to enter!!
Want to see what is up for grabs?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here is the list of the prizes as well:

GRAND Prize - Book,T-shirt, Dog Tag, Nylon Bag, Bookmark & Pen
2nd Prize - Purse, lipgloss & pen
3rd Prize - Book Charm Bracelet & bookmark
4th Prize - Book Charm Necklace & bookmark
5th Prize - Poem from David, lipgloss & Pen
6th Prize - Cosmetic Bag, lipgloss & pen
7th Prize - Pencil Bag, Pen & Bookmark
8th Prize - Nylon Bag, Bookmark & Pen

Friday, June 29, 2012

CONTEST FEATURE FRIDAY! Dreams, Secrets and Summer Edition

This week I have some AWESOME contests for you guys!! I mean 
they are all awesome but these are my picks for this week.

From the ever wonderful Sparkles and Lightning
I love this blog!! Annabelle is another wonderful and HONEST reviewer.  She is
 not afraid to tell you how it is and run things the way she wants.  I tend to adore blogs 
with strong bloggers that run them and can't believe I only found out about this one about a 
month ago!!! Seriously LOVE!!!  Anyway she is doing a wonderful giveaway for Dreamless. 
Up for grabs is a SIGNED copy of DREAMLESS and signed bookmarks annnd 6 swag
 packs that include signed bookmarks! I do ask that when you go there READ the giveaway
 page.  It could be the difference between winning and loosing.  SERIOUSLY.  So go forth 
and enter this awesome giveaway!!


From Hippies, Beauty and Books... OH MY!
DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!!! There is 12, yes 12 prizes.  I would like to mention
that each of these 12 packs have 3 books in them!! Yup you heard me right 12 prizes
and 3 books per prize!! EPIC.  Oh ya you need to go and see all of the great books
that said I am in serious NEED of pack #3.  Mermaid obsession lol.


This one is a little different than the rest.  Normally I post a link to the site and I will
give you the link but I am also going to post the rafflecopter right here!! This one I
am close to.
Now this has gone on all week and you don't have a lot of time to enter but the prizes
are amazing and Christine is amazing!! I would also like you to check out my post
for the secrets revealed blog hop!! Visit Christine's blog HERE to see all of the
TRANSCEND posts and the reveal. The rafflecopter thing will only do so much here
for you :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Secrets Revealed in the Transcend Masquerade Blogfest/ Cover Reveal

Welcome to my little secret reveal on the Transcend Masquerade Blogfest.  This is in 
celebration of the cover reveal of Christine Fonseca's TRANSCEND!!  I am excited in 
ways I can not even describe for this.  I want to invite you to click on the button above
and be taken to see what Christine revealed all week and the cover reveal post!! 
You can also check out all the other people that have some secret to reveal to 
all of you!! So for those of you that must see it now I bring you from the wonderful
Christine Fonseca the cover of TRANSCEND!

I KNOW WOW RIGHT?! LOVE and I mean LOVE this cover.  This is one that 
I honestly need!! I will protect it with my life hug it, pet it... Ok you get it right before 
I get any more creepy.  How can you not love this cover?!

My Secret Revealed

  I guess I can't postpone this any more.  Not that I am ashamed but more that it is hard to tell you all.  I mean it's not like I am secretly am a super hero or an alien from another planet...  No my secret is much more boring.  I am afraid of failing.  I mean TERRIFIED!!!  Like have avoided doing things because of it.  Now I am a believer that you can do anything if you put your mind to it and will support other people in what they choose to do but when it comes to me I always over think it.  Take this blog for instance.  Took me FOREVER to get it started and there are still times that I worry if I am doing it right.  Well maybe not right but more am I actually accomplishing anything.  Are people interested?  What could I do different?  What should I do different?  I would like to add that I do know that there is a few people behind me that would offer help at any time but I also hate asking for too much help.  I don't want to be like the needy/whiny heroines that drive me nuts.
  That said I do feel like I failed recently.  Many of you that follow me know that I did not start on the blog but as #YABookChat's host.  I want you to know that as I say this I am holding my breath and debating on deleting this entire post and taking it all back.  There will be no more #YABookChat for awhile.... *tear*  I love my chat LOVE it but as of late I have been finding it hard to get people to join.  My regulars have even become busy.  Letting go of this chat is hard.  REALLY HARD!  I feel in so many ways like I failed (even though the ever wonderful Ali Cross has assured me I haven't).  I want you all to know that I hope to bring the chat back some day and will do it for authors any time but the bi-weekly is done.  I am sorry to let you all down but I can't run a chat with no people there.  I am not strong enough.

  That said I would like to that you for listening to my rant/secret revealed.  I would love for you to leave a comment with a secret you would like to share.  If you don't want to share that's okay, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the cover of TRANSCEND.  Also don't forget to stop by everyone else's stop on this blogfest!! 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

*REVIEW* Blood Burned by Kailin Gow

Kalina has returned back to Rutherford, but now there are more problems than before. The Consortium of Vampires has been destroyed except for one - Octavius - and the most powerful of vampires has been unleashed. This sets off the ultimate horror - one of the Greystone Brothers has been turned, and his love for Kalina has turned into a destructive obsession. Now armed with an unspeakable power and thirst, he has sent Kalina and the other brothers who love and protect her a shocking threat. And he won't stop until Kalina is his.

  WOW!! Okay excuse me while I try to wrap my head around all of this.  If you know me or even follow me you must know my love of Kailin Gow.  I am the biggest fan girl when it comes to her books.  This one actually blew me away!  There was so very much going on and so much that happened and I having such a hard time processing it! 

  Kalina may be home but things are far from back to normal.  She is back to trying to figure out who she is meant to love and trying to forget her one true love.  I know confusing right.  Well without ruining it for you completely, she knows who her heart and soul wants but that person doesn't seem to want her.  Talk about torn and heart broken.  That does not stop her from standing up for herself though.  It amazes me that every time I start a new book Kalina becomes a little more independent.  

  The Greystone brothers are still present even if they aren't all the same.  By not the same I mean one of them was forced to drink a vial of Kalina's blood.  In case you haven't heard of this series I wont tell you what that does but it isn't good.  Not by a long shot.  There is also the question of the feelings that each of the brothers have for Kalina.  Will they be enough to keep them all from turning on her?  It becomes the question of if love is really enough.

  Octavius is also back. *DROOL*.  I will full out say that Octavius is the embodiment of all things masculine.  I mean he beats basically every other man out (Chance from Fire wars is still #1).  He is trying to defend Kalina and keep the danger away being the only remaining vampire from The Consortium of Vampires.  He has lived many years and has a loyal following, is feared by many and wants nothing more than to just be with Kalina even if it isn't possible.

  This book was seriously the most intense one in the series thus far.  Some serious change happened and some BIG shockers as well.  Best hint you will get is that there is a big sacrifice and I had tears in my eyes and actually had to take a moment to regain my composure. I can't even express how much I love this fast paced, action packed series.  Between the emotions that fly and the drama that goes down I am not sure if I am proceeding to book 4 anxious or excited.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday- ENDLESSLY

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spineand spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm seriously waiting on:
Evie's paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the International Paranormal Containment Agency wants to drag her back to headquarters. The Dark Faerie Queen is torturing humans in her poisonous realm. And supernatural creatures keep insisting that Evie is the only one who can save them from a mysterious, perilous fate.

The clock is ticking on the entire paranormal world. And its fate rests solely in Evie's hands.

So much for normal.

Expected Release Date:  July 24, 2012
Published by: Harper Teen 
Hardcover: 385 pages

Why I am waiting on this book:

1.  Well like always I have to point out my serious shallow ways and the amount of love I have for the     cover of this book!! The colour of purple her dress is... BEAUTIFUL!!

2.   This series is absolutely awesome and original and I can't thik of 1 reason why I shouldn't be excited!

3.  The need to know how Evie gets around going back to IPCA.  I really really don't want her back there.

Well that's what I am waiting on this week.  What are you waiting on?
Leave a comment with what you are waiting on if you have a minute
or leave a link to your blog so I can visit! 

*REVIEW* Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin

Everything is in ruins.

A devastating plague has decimated the population. And those who are left live in fear of catching it as the city crumbles to pieces around them.

So what does Araby Worth have to live for?

Nights in the Debauchery Club, beautiful dresses, glittery make-up . . . and tantalizing ways to forget it all.

But in the depths of the club—in the depths of her own despair—Araby will find more than oblivion. She will find Will, the terribly handsome proprietor of the club. And Elliott, the wickedly smart aristocrat. Neither boy is what he seems. Both have secrets. Everyone does.

And Araby may find something not just to live for, but to fight for—no matter what it costs her.

You know when you see a book around A LOT and the cover totally catches your eye, then you think "I want to read that."  Well this was one of those books for me and truth be told I didn't know much about the book beyond the description.  Up until yesterday I hadn't read a single review on it and the result was wonderful for me.

  I knew that this book was a dystopian and that there wasn't much left in the way of humanity but what I didn't know was how dark of a world I would be entering when I started reading this book.  Not what I expected at all.  I mean there is bodies in the street, very detailed descriptions of the infected and corpse collectors.  However I loved every deep dark page that I turned.  Finding that I myself could get lost in the dark corners of the Debauchery Club.  There is also a hint of steam punk thrown through out the book.

  Within the first chapter you will be pulled into a world where the rich use their masks to feel safe and the poor live every day knowing that it could be their last.  Araby is one of the "lucky" ones but she doesn't see it that way.   Her past haunts her every day and as much as I wanted to feel bad for her I couldn't.  She is not helpless but at times comes off that way.  What I enjoyed most about her was that once she decided something she was determined to get it done.  To start I thought it was going to be impossible to connect with Araby but to my surprise I ended up not only being able to connect but feel so much more than that for her.

  There is somewhat of a love triangle for those of you out there that are wondering.  However it's not your typical triangle.  There is merit in her feelings for both Will and Elliott.  With Will she seems to be a happier person.  I mean all around she is a better and stronger person.  It is the times that she is with him and his sisters that I admire her the most.  With Elliott it is the ability to maybe change how things are going.  He makes it possible to believe that things don't have to be the way they are.   Both boys do have their own agendas though and as much as I would like to say I felt more for one or the other I can't.  There was no black or white but more of grey area with both of them.

  This book takes love, honesty and trust then throws in hate, lies and hidden agendas.  There are so many lines that cross it's hard to find just the good or just the bad.  I love how well Griffin blurred the lines but didn't loose sight of what she meant to accomplish.  There is a need in everyone and chaos seems to lay just beneath the surface.  The way that it all ends in this book will have you looking for more though.  This is definitely a book not to be missed!


Monday, June 25, 2012


Okay so something I want you to all consider going to if you are close enough to go or
have the power to get to!!  I will envy all that walk into this event!!

UtopYA Con: Where all the cool kids go to meet their favorite female authors

It’s time to get excited and to get to Nashville for the first ever UtopYA Con, which is the convention for female, paranormal/fantasy young adult authors and readers who love them.  It will be held at the Scarritt-Bennett Center in Nashville, TN on July 6-8, 2012. Would you like to come? You’re already excited I know, but wait until I tell you who’s coming (and this is just a few)… Myra McEntire (Hourglass and Timepiece), Angeline Kace (Descended by Blood), Amy Bartol (The Premonition Series), Tammy Blackwell (Timber Wolves), Tiffany King (Saving Angels), Abbi Glines (The Vincent Boys), Ella James (Stained), Jessica Sorenson (Fallen Star), and so many more! You can find the full list at the UtopYA Con website.

Here’s what a few of them are saying about going to UtopYA Con:
Raine Thomas (Daughters of Saraquel)-  “"The world's been waiting for a conference like UtopYA. It's unique and in a class of its own. If you enjoy YA fantasy and paranormal stories, you can't miss this event!”
Chelsea Fine (Sophie and Carter)- “"Don't miss out on UtopYa Con 2012: Bringing your YA books to life!"
Brina Courtney (Cryptid Tales)- “If you’re a true YA fan, you’ll be there,  mixing it up with all of us.”
But it’s not just for fans, it’s for authors too. Learn the tricks of the trade from people who are there, doing it successfully already. There are sessions and panels for both readers and writers alike.
So how about it? You wanna go? Well obviously you do, but here’s the question… ARE YOU GOING?
Here’s where you can find out more about tickets.
Now, so maybe you’re awesome, but you can’t go, and you’re bummed obviously. Well you still want to participate right? Here’s your chance, from now until June 29th, 2012 you can vote for your favorite books to win UtopYA Con awards, hosted by CMT’s Katie Cook. Pretty sweet right? I know, I think so too.
Anyway because we had so many blogs help us to promote this unique event we decided to do some fun giveaways provided by some of our authors at UtopYA Con and some other authors.
Good luck and we’ll see you at UtopYA Con!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Want to visit other sites in this hop? Go to:

Sunday, June 24, 2012




Becoming immortal wasn't supposed to be the easy part. Though Kate is about to be crowned Queen of the Underworld, she's as isolated as ever. And despite her growing love for Henry, ruler of the Underworld, he's becoming ever more distant and secretive. Then, in the midst of Kate's coronation, Henry is abducted by the only being powerful enough to kill him: the King of the Titans. 

As the other gods prepare for a war that could end them all, it is up to Kate to save Henry from the depths of Tartarus. But in order to navigate the endless caverns of the Underworld, Kate must enlist the help of the one person who is the greatest threat to her future. 

Henry's first wife, Persephone.

  Just wow!  I really enjoyed Goddess Test and had put off reading this one due to my ever growing TBR pile but once I did pick it up it didn't get put down until the end.  Starting off 6 months from where the Goddess Test ended there is a lot that has happened.  Henry seems to be distancing himself more from Kate than ever and everything is about to change.

  I have never felt so bad for a character as I did Kate at times.  There is some serious emotional things going on with that girl.  I mean returning to the Underworld just to feel that the one person you love does not love you back.  Not to mention that she always seems to be trying to save him in one way or another only to feel alone again because he pulls away from her.  Kate is strong and set in her ways so once she decides something that is the way it is.  Maybe this is the problem? Maybe she is too independent and Hades aka Henry is afraid of that?  Either way Kate's love and determination is the only thing strong enough to save him and everyone else.  I love Kate because of her strength and sheer bull headed stubbornness.  Who else spends 6 months away from their husband and then chooses to risk their life even when they aren't sure of how their partner feels?

  Persephone INFURIATED me!  Like I wanted to smack the smug right out of her.  Forgive me for this but upon first meeting her in this book I believe my note read "SELFISH BITCH!!"  I get that she chose to become human to be happy with Adonis and that is fine.  Treating everyone like dirt because they showed up at her afterlife, NOT OK!  It's not like they walked in and demanded she leave Adonis and sacrifice herself.  They just wanted to know how to get to the gate to save everyone.  I wanted to scream and pull my hair out that she was that stuck up!   Her acting mad at times that Kate had won Henry.. SERIOUSLY?! SERIOUSLY?!  You left him, you got what you wanted, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!  I don't blame her for leaving Hades (Henry) but I do blame her for acting like everyone owes her.

  Henry himself fits his role too well at times.  Being Hades and Persephone leaving him  seems to have left him colder and more withdrawn than I could have ever imagined.  His behaviour and reactions left me many times with frustration and the need to jump into the pages and smack him in the back of the head.  James is there to get my rage going as well.  I know he means all the best for Kate but really who doesn't see right through that show?  No matter what I seriously feel that he wants Kate and is willing to plant as many seeds of doubt as needed to get her to swing his way.  The guys in this book seriously leave something to be desired!

  The book was wonderfully written and kept me glued to the pages wanting to find out more.  Is the mythology perfect? No.  Does that pull the story apart for me? NO!  Despite some of the mythology references being a little... Off we will say, I still seriously enjoyed this book.  I know I ranted A LOT but that to me shows that it was able to raise some feeling in me and I love that in a book.  There is a BIG cliffhanger ending and I would be lying if I said I didn't have a moment where I debated on throwing the book.  I continue to enjoy this series and look forward to the next book!

Weekly Report Double Edition June 10-23

The Weekly Report is my way of sharing not only what I received for books this
week but also what is going on, on the blog!! So you can find my giveaways and also 
what was reviewed/posted this week.  Seeing I didn't post last week I will be doing
two weeks worth of everything!

So for books over the past two weeks I received:

Bought from Chapters Canada:
Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin
Harbinger by Sara Wilson Etienne
Silence by Michelle Sagara
The Last Princess by Galaxy Craze

From Rola @ Xo'Reads
Thank you so much for the beautiful necklace and
copy of Hush Hush.  Although I am a new follower
I love visiting this blog!

From Joy @ Joyous Reads
I want you all to know that you should follow Joy!! Heck STALK
her blog and twitter!! She is super awesome.  I received copies of
Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris & Whisper by Chrissie Keighery

MEA CULPA by Christine Fonseca HERE
WRECKED by Anna Davies HERE
DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth HERE
BeSwitched Witch by Molly Snow HERE
HARBINGER by Sara Wilson Etienne HERE
DEADLOCKED by Charlaine Harris HERE
OPPRESSION by Jessica Therrien HERE
Royally BeSwitched by Molly Snow HERE

Whisper by Chelsea Cameron HERE

How to get your FREE copy of MEA CULPA HERE
Bad Boy vs Good Boy #YABookChat HERE
 Waiting on Wednesday (Alice in Zombieland) HERE
Contest Feature Friday HERE (3 great contests)
Waiting in Wednesday (Undeadly) HERE
Guest Post with Molly Snow HERE
Stuck in Books Read-A-Thon Fun HERE