Who: April Fifer & Danielle Hylton-OutlandDanielle Hylton-Outland was raised in Virginia. She grew up having a huge appetite for daydreaming; always wanting to live in the spectacular worlds she created in her mind. She now lives with her husband and dog where she is pursuing a degree in literature. Danielle is a strong animal activist. She is currently co-writing the second book in the Flesh Series, "Flesh and Flames".April Fifer grew up in a small town in Virginia, where it was common practice believing that dreams could only be found in stories. At the age of seven she was diagnosed with dyslexia. She was told that she would struggle through life and would never pick up a book to read for pleasure. Although school was hard, she was able to find her way with the help of two teachers who taught her self-discovery. Ignoring what she was taught growing up, she turned it around and found that your dreams could become stories.

What: Flesh & FeathersAzaleigh's life is simple until, by chance, she meets Kale. Charming and handsome Az is immediately drawn to him. But long kept secrets lurk in the hearts of those Az holds most dear, and dangerous plans are unfolding around her. As her life begins to crumble and Kale disappears, Gage, charismatic and striking, arrives, providing a calm port in an increasingly violent storm. But with every narrow escape from a far from human bounty hunter after her life, Az begins to unravel a secret with the power to change her forever. In an increasingly hostile world of Angel and Fallen, Azaleigh must navigate her own path, chose her own side, and ultimately protect her heart. Faced with two gorgeous men, an enemy she doesn’t know, and a future she cannot understand, Az must make the choice: the man she loves, or the man she cannot live without.
How long have the 2 of you been writing partners?
We have been working together for about two years now. A lot of that has been us working on Flesh and Feathers. But we have worked on other projects as well. Flesh and Feathers was our first baby, and we had to figure out a system to work together. Now our writing has tripled in speed because we know exactly what to expect from each other.
Where did the idea for Flesh & Feathers come from?
It started because one of us read a book and was not at all happy with the ending. So we decided to make of our own ending. We came up with the idea of a girl falling in love with an angel. But that wasn’t good enough. We wanted drama, secrets, and lots of action. The plot evolved into something neither one of us saw coming. And as we’ve been writing the sequel, Flesh and Flames, the plot continues to thicken. We are loving it!!!
Who do you see playing Kale & Gage on the big screen?
This is sooooo easy! Danielle picked Robert Pattinson for Kale, and April picked Eric Dane for Gage! For Azaleigh, we both see Rosamund Pike.
Is this a stand-alone novel or the first of many?
First of many! Flesh and Feathers is the first of The Flesh Series. The second book in the series is Flesh and Flames. We have also thrown around the plot for book three, which we are calling Flesh and Folly. There are other projects we have worked on as well. We just completed a short erotica called Love, Lies and a Bloke and are now working on a paranormal romance called The Witch and The Werewolf.
First of many! Flesh and Feathers is the first of The Flesh Series. The second book in the series is Flesh and Flames. We have also thrown around the plot for book three, which we are calling Flesh and Folly. There are other projects we have worked on as well. We just completed a short erotica called Love, Lies and a Bloke and are now working on a paranormal romance called The Witch and The Werewolf.
Pancakes or Waffles?
April: Pancakes – extra syrup.
Danielle: Pancakes – with whipped cream please.
Chocolate or fruity?
April: Chocolate
Danielle: Chocolate – are you kidding.
Favorite Animal
April: Horse – they are so beautiful.
Danielle: All of them – Do I have to choose? I’m an animal lover… actually let’s go with a teacup pig.
1st song on your playlist right now?
April: Anna by Stone Sour
Danielle: Closer by Nine-Inch Nails
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