In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. If you
are interested in doing your own IMM or just looking to hop around all the
different IMM's head on over there!
This week was a super good week for me! I got some stuff that I won awhile back and
some stuff I found at a 2nd hand book store. Normally I don't have good luck with
them but I found some books in super good condition.
So The books and swag i received that I won:
This I won from Wendy @ A Cupcake and a Latte. Thanks Wendy!! Also thank you to MACMILLANS Children's Publishing for sending it to me!!
This I won from Wendy @ A Cupcake and a Latte. Thanks Wendy!! Also thank you to MACMILLANS Children's Publishing for sending it to me!!
This lovely prize pack contained: 1 signed hardcover of Witchlanders by Lena Coakley
Lauren Oliver - signed bookplate
Veronica Roth - signed bookplate
Leah Cypess - signed bookplate
Mistwood by Leah Cypess - signed bookmark
Nighspell by Leah Cypess - signed bookmark
Flame of Surrender by Rhiannon Paille - signed bookmark
Witchlanders - signed bookmark
Losing Faith by Denise Jaden - unsigned bookmark
Tagged by Mara Purnhagen - unsigned bookmark
Dreamland Social Club by Tara Altebrando - button
This was from Erika @ One a Day YA
Horrible picture I know sorry. There at the top is a book plate from Amy Plum :)
Underneath are the bookmarks I won on facebook from
There for You Book Editing and Review.
I received for Review (My first actually for reviewing YAY)
Thank you to Robyn from Razorbill for asking if I would review these books!
And lastly what I bought:
This was a preorder from The Book Depository
and my 2nd hand purchases:
The Replacement I had seen around and to be honest thought it looked interesting. The Devouring Had an interesting cover and it caught my eye and who could pass that up.
Lauren Oliver - signed bookplate
Veronica Roth - signed bookplate
Leah Cypess - signed bookplate
Mistwood by Leah Cypess - signed bookmark
Nighspell by Leah Cypess - signed bookmark
Flame of Surrender by Rhiannon Paille - signed bookmark
Witchlanders - signed bookmark
Losing Faith by Denise Jaden - unsigned bookmark
Tagged by Mara Purnhagen - unsigned bookmark
Dreamland Social Club by Tara Altebrando - button
This was from Erika @ One a Day YA
Horrible picture I know sorry. There at the top is a book plate from Amy Plum :)
Underneath are the bookmarks I won on facebook from
There for You Book Editing and Review.
I received for Review (My first actually for reviewing YAY)
Thank you to Robyn from Razorbill for asking if I would review these books!
And lastly what I bought:
This was a preorder from The Book Depository
and my 2nd hand purchases:
Well this is what was in my mailbox this week what was in yours?!
Feel free to leave a comment with your IMM link!
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