Wednesday, March 7, 2012

#YABookChat Dystopian Day TONIGHT!!

Dystopian novels have begun to take over what we read.  The thought of the world falling
apart, governments being over thrown and a new way of life is captivating to so many of
us.  Even knowing that these governments are not going to be better for us but more controlling
and restrictive but we are still drawn like moths to a light into the dangerous possibilities.
Is it that our hero's have more to fight for and more to loose or is it the change of pace that
draws us in?

Tonight at #YABookChat on twitter at 9pm EST we will discuss all things dystopian. From
what we love to what we want less of.  From the hot boys we meet and the kick ass girls
to the evolved bad guys and the grey lines in between it all.

These are just some of the awesome books we can talk about:

Please join us on Twitter at #YABookChat to talk these books and more! 9pm EST
see you there!! 

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