Friday, January 21, 2011

So I'm making a list, checking it twice....No I'm not Santa

Looking around at all my fellow seasoned bloggers, I'm noticing a trend lately, List & Challenges. Apparently my machine malfunctioned when the "Blogger" faxes came out stating I needed to create a 2011 challenge, or make a list of everything I read in 2010....not that I'd remember, because I read A LOT!

So I got to I didn't hurt myself....Since I was re-introduced to the art of reading in 2010, there are still
oodles of books out there that I haven't read. Mainly a lot of different series that my pretty little ears have heard about, but I haven't had the chance to read. Well, I've decided to give myself a personal challenge, to read 11(or more) series' this year. This will be in addition to all my regular readings, reviews, etc. That way I can be brought up to pace with all these discussions and forums I see around, and acutally hold my own :)

So here's my 2011 P.S.C (Personal Series Challenge) List:

These are just off the top of my head! With a total of 72 books, I'll have my hands full! I'm hoping to have the list cut in half before the beginning of May, so wish me luck, and if you can think of any other amazing series' that aren't on this list then PLEASE let me know!! Thank you!

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