Friday, April 22, 2011

Fresh Face Friday 4-22-11

Who: D. Apodaca

What: Captivated (An Affliction Novel)

Mindy Keenan couldn't shake the feeling that a matter of moments...the boy she once knew was not the one standing before her.

After Mindy's childhood best friend, Dean Aiken, shuts her and everyone else out of his life, she learns to move on. Years pass and she gets used to the fact that he's no longer a part of her life, but things begin to change…

Mindy's new best friend, Markus Medina, witnesses Dean kill two people behind a club. Mindy has a hard time believing him, especially when he mentions that the bodies disappear. Poof! Into thin air. Markus decides he has to follow Dean around in order to get evidence that he's been killing people, so he doesn't sound like a nut to the police.

Despite Marcus’ crazy theories about the possibility of Dean not being human. And not to mention the fact that he's dangerous. Mindy can't help that she may be falling in love with him. Even after hiding their feelings for each other from the world. Dean and Mindy being together stirs up dangers that neither of them could ever imagine. When she finds out about what Dean really is and the world he tried to keep her away's already too late.


Cover: G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!! With the contrast of the red hair, silver skin, and multi-colored pupil, there's just something about it that catches my eye...hahaha.

My Thoughts: Very interested to see how this story pans out. I foresee love triangles, blood shed, and broken hearts, which are all the great ingredients for a fantastic story! I am actually going to be reviewing the book within the next couple weeks, so be looking for what I think about it.

Stalking Grounds: Facebook, Twitter, Website

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