I went right from start to finish with Of Triton. I don't know exactly what it is but these books are ADDICTIVE!!!

In this sequel to OF POSEIDON, Emma has just learned that her mother is a long-lost Poseidon princess, and now struggles with an identity crisis: As a Half-Breed, she’s a freak in the human world and an abomination in the Syrena realm below. Syrena law states that all Half- Breeds should be put to death.
As if that’s not bad enough, her mother’s reappearance among the Syrena turns the two kingdoms—Poseidon and Triton—against one another. Which leaves Emma with a decision to make: Should she comply with Galen’s request to keep herself safe and just hope for the best? Or should she risk it all and reveal herself—and her Gift—to save a people she’s never known?
Expected Release: May 28th 2013
Published by by Feiwel & Friends
Review Copy: ARC, 246 pages
*Provided by publisher for honest review
Picking up Of Triton was as easy as taking a breath of fresh air. After reading Of Poseidon I knew that this was going to pull me in and I wasn't wrong. Of Triton starts right of with action and keeps a steady pace throughout. It is truly Anna's talent to take you away with the characters in the book and forget what the outside world is like until the book is finished. With a fast pace and so many characters that are easy to connect with this is without a doubt just as good as the first. I am going to try to do this review with no spoilers from book one or two so bare with me.
Emma grew so much in this novel but what I loved most was that she learned to trust herself, her instincts. Yes she still listens when Galen asks her nicely now but she is also willing to take the risk when she feels that it is necessary. She did deal with a little bit of resent to start but given her circumstances I was in the same state of mind. However she tries to work through it all and solve the problem instead of continuing to stomp he foot and behave like a child. Okay so she never acted like a child but she is more intelligent than just being angry and not taking action. No matter how I look at Emma she is both level headed and yet sometimes she is quick to act without thinking.
Galen is also changing in so many good ways. He was always more okay with humans than most Mer people but with Emma in his life he is seeing more of a future that way. I love the chapters done in his voice. He is such a contrast to Emma. Though he is strong and determined like her, he worries much more. You have to appreciate a man that loves your mood swings and your feisty behavior at any given moment. Huge points go out to the fact that even though he loves his family, he is starting to actually realize just how much Emma means to him and if that means having to go against their wishes, he may just have to do that.
I think I loved Rayna more in this novel than the first. She is still stubborn, difficult and I love her to death for it. Her counterpart Toraf couldn't be more different than her but it works, like REALLY works. The story just would not be the same without these characters. Rachel is another character that makes me laugh and smile quite frequently. It is said/hinted at that she is ex-mob but that's what makes her so handy, all of her talents and resources. I love that even when she is cooking she is done up and in her heels and happy about it!! Though I do love Emma and Galen, it's all of the extremely well done secondary characters here that make the story more fun and adventurous!
Truth be told I thought this was a trilogy and then when I got to the end it was all so perfect the way it tied up I thought that maybe it was just these two. Then I found out that it is a trilogy and truthfully I'm not sure how Anna will expand upon this. Though with her writing and wonderful characters there is no doubt in my mind that I would pick anything up that she wrote and expect great things. This is the kind of book you could pick up and read any time but the perfect time is on the beach in the sun while you relax!
Emma grew so much in this novel but what I loved most was that she learned to trust herself, her instincts. Yes she still listens when Galen asks her nicely now but she is also willing to take the risk when she feels that it is necessary. She did deal with a little bit of resent to start but given her circumstances I was in the same state of mind. However she tries to work through it all and solve the problem instead of continuing to stomp he foot and behave like a child. Okay so she never acted like a child but she is more intelligent than just being angry and not taking action. No matter how I look at Emma she is both level headed and yet sometimes she is quick to act without thinking.
Galen is also changing in so many good ways. He was always more okay with humans than most Mer people but with Emma in his life he is seeing more of a future that way. I love the chapters done in his voice. He is such a contrast to Emma. Though he is strong and determined like her, he worries much more. You have to appreciate a man that loves your mood swings and your feisty behavior at any given moment. Huge points go out to the fact that even though he loves his family, he is starting to actually realize just how much Emma means to him and if that means having to go against their wishes, he may just have to do that.
I think I loved Rayna more in this novel than the first. She is still stubborn, difficult and I love her to death for it. Her counterpart Toraf couldn't be more different than her but it works, like REALLY works. The story just would not be the same without these characters. Rachel is another character that makes me laugh and smile quite frequently. It is said/hinted at that she is ex-mob but that's what makes her so handy, all of her talents and resources. I love that even when she is cooking she is done up and in her heels and happy about it!! Though I do love Emma and Galen, it's all of the extremely well done secondary characters here that make the story more fun and adventurous!
Truth be told I thought this was a trilogy and then when I got to the end it was all so perfect the way it tied up I thought that maybe it was just these two. Then I found out that it is a trilogy and truthfully I'm not sure how Anna will expand upon this. Though with her writing and wonderful characters there is no doubt in my mind that I would pick anything up that she wrote and expect great things. This is the kind of book you could pick up and read any time but the perfect time is on the beach in the sun while you relax!
Thank God for Rayna. People like Rayna get things done. People like me watch people like Rayna get things done. Then people like me round the corner of the counter as if they helped, as if they didn't stand there and let everyone they love beat the shizzle out of one another.
It's one of those moments where life seems to pause, and the universe opens its mouth and vomits comprehension on you. It's not knowledge, not cold hard facts that yo can talk about in casual conversation, like we did in the motel room, surrounded by Galen and Rayna and Toraf. People I had already excepted could sprout a fin.
I need to keep all these bratty feelings to myself. My dad always told me that holding a grudge is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die. I don't want to hold any more grudges. I don't want to die.
I don't know if she's one of those people who stays insanely busy to keep from thinking about things, or if she just has adult-onset ADD, but whatever the case, she's becoming overwhelming. Even Rayna thinks so.
Galen swims to the center stone without taking his eyes off Toraf. "If something happens to her because of you," he whispers to his one-time friend, his voice raw with hurt, "your death will be my priority."
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