This happens to be the only Fae related novel in the myth category!!

Allison O'Malley's plan is to go to grad school so she can get a good job and take care of her schizophrenic mother. She has carefully closed herself off from everything else, including a relationship with Ethan, who she's been in love with for as long as she can remember.
What is definitely not part of the plan is the return of her long-lost father, who claims he can bring Allison's mother back from the dark place her mind has gone. Allison doesn't trust her father, so why would she believe his stories about a long forgotten Irish people, the Tuatha de Danaan? But truths have a way of revealing themselves. Secrets will eventually surface. And Allison must learn to set aside her plan and work with her father if there is even a small chance it could restore her mother's sanity.
Release Date: April 30, 2013
Published By: Finding Bliss Press
Review Copy: Mobi.
*provided by author for honest review
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At 177 pages long this book passed by in a breeze. I mean I picked it up first thing in the morning and finished it before lunch or around that time roughly. This also is placed under the NA category but as I have found with most fantasy/paranormal NA novels, it has more of a YA feel. The only thing that really suggests NA is the characters age. Though that sounds like a complaint it really isn't, just more of a statement because how could I complain when I read the book from start to finish? There were a few clichés but with them came fun new twists and a dazzling writing style.
Character wise Allison was okay. Her strength and determination is admirable when it came to her mother and her will to be able to unburden her grandparents. My big thing was she pushed everyone away to focus only on her mom and even went so far as to push the guy she liked away because he didn't fit. That being said I did appreciate the fact that she didn't let her hormones completely rule her and though it is kind of lumped in with the "caring for her mother is more important thing," I had to appreciate how adult like her attitude was.
Before the fantasy part kicks in you get to know Allison, her friends and her family. Due to how the story is written this works and it was nice to get a feel for the world Allison grew up in before we were pulled into a new one. Admittedly the first bit goes a little slower but the writing and the detail makes up for it. When the fantasy element shows itself everything takes off, with beautiful and vivid descriptions Laura easily brought in new characters and a new world. Even the characters uniquely named Gaelic characters were fun once I had the pronunciation down (I still may not have a couple 100%).
Though the romance was so far from the surface it was almost nonexistent, I still feel the need to mention it. The reason behind this is quite simple and summed up in one word: Ethan. Okay I know that's a name but I loved him, well most of the time. He is the kind of guy that has no problem getting the girl, except for when it comes to Allison. When they were joking or having sweet moments I thought that they would be a great couple, there was definitely chemistry. However then when Allison would get difficult he seemed to have no problem putting the moves on a different girl. To a point you have to understand that he can't wait forever but then there is always the question of how much does he really want her or is it just the fact that she is an untouchable?
Laura made sure to leave you wanting more at the end of this one! I wish that it had been longer but with the development and world building she did it made sense to leave it where she did. This is perfect for YA/NA that are looking for something less complex but still contains a great story line. Also keep in mind that the start does play out like a bit of a contemporary romance, so if you aren't a fan of fantasy but love contemporary this may be the book to break down those barriers for you. I personally look forward to the next instalment!
It was just a stupid kiss, I repeated over and over in my head. I could get through it, and then everything would go back to normal. Then my long-lost father's face flashed in my mind. Okay, as normal as possible.
Running was something that was for me and only me. Things like schizophrenic mothers, reappearing fathers, and boys with dimples didn't exist when I ran. All I felt was the wind and my heartbeat, me feet carrying me along. And the less I felt right then, the better.
Ethan walked me to my car silently. I took a deep breath, and as I turned to face him, a flood of emotions washed through me. Who was I kidding? I'd loved him since before I could remember, reputation and all.
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