I actually have a confession with this post. I kind of have a serious crush
on this entire series. This is a review from awhile back but my passion and feelings
towards this book/series/author has not changed. I wish I had these books on my shelf
not just on my kindle and will one day but if you have them ANYWHERE and have yet to
touch them: START ASAP!!!!
It’s been three thousand years since the fall of Azzaziel and the rebirth of evil; three thousand years since the Sentinal Order, an elite group of warrior angels, returned to Celestium. Their job—rid Earth of the dark creatures, the UnHoly. And with luck, end Azza’s rule.
As if casting out demons isn’t hard enough, five-hundred-year-old Nesy has to masquerade as a teenage girl to do it. Nesy is the best of the Sentinals. She never makes mistakes, never hesitates, never gets emotionally involved. Until she meets Aydan.
He is evil incarnate; a fallen angel that feeds off the souls of others. Everything Nesy is supposed to hate. But she can’t, because he’s also the love of her former life as a human girl—a life that ended too soon, tying her to emotions she was never supposed to feel.
Now Nesy must choose between doing her duty—damning Aydan to the fiery depths of hell—or saving him, and condemning herself. And her choice may cost her, and Celestium, far more than anyone realizes.
How much will she sacrifice for love?
Release Date: March 21, 2012
Published By: Compass Press
Review Copy: Kindle
*provided by author for review last year
Buy it:
**Please bare in mind this is a review from last year**
Okay I seriously hate to start a review like this but OMG!!! Seriously this book blew me away!! I was amazed at the amount of emotion there was and yet it didn't take away from the story. I am still (4 days later) having issues getting past just writing sentence after sentence of wow! I went into this book with fairly high expectations. That is not typical of me at all, but high expectations and all this book blew me out of the water. Yes, you have your Angels that are here to vanquish the evil, and yes evil is HOT but nothing will prepare you for the ride that you will go on in this book. The is so much love, pain and action that you wont want to stop.
Nesy... To be honest I don't know how do do this character justice. There are so many reasons that I have respect for her. With her blond hair and blue eyes I almost expected her to be the typically beautiful girl that just smiles and turns heads wherever she may tread. She is not that girl. Well I mean she is that girl but that is only scratching the surface. Nesy is a Sentinel. Saying that really doesn't describe what you need to know. Nesy is top of her class and never, I mean NEVER misses her target. She is the one they send when they want the job done and done right and clean. Why is this job so different? Why when she looks at the the dark Aydan does her emotions stir. Emotions long ago forgotten and now unwanted. Unwelcome as they are she can't ignore them and needs to find a way to look past them and finish the job before things get too complicated. Nesy doesn't want to fail and she would do anything to prove that she is strong enough to do what needs to be done. When the time comes and the pressure is on anything is possible for her though.
"Your time here is finished," she yells...
Aydan is what we would classify as the bad guy. He has been the right hand man on Azza for hundreds of years. He is at the mercy of him to be honest. What Azza says goes and that is how he lives his life. Well there is also the little fact that he has no problem feeding his hunger. Claiming what he wants and taking all he needs. There is so much freedom so much choice that he never thought that his mind may change. The scent that almost sent him into a frenzy may be more than he ever could have expected. When the prey is more resistant the hunt only becomes more interesting. The desire to hunt and fill his needs only grows stronger but is that what it really is? What is it about the new girl that has him feeling so different than normal? As his time to become something more than he is draws nearer will he be able to do what he is meant to do or is his world only one breath one step away from changing.
My world slips away and I again taste vengeance on my tongue.
Zane, Cass, Lori are also super note worthy characters. You don't see much of them but each and every one of them leaves their own impact on you.
Zane is not always controlled but he cares for Nesy. He is a strong firend and loyal to her almost every step of the way and that also means that sometimes he must be the one to speak the truth when no one else wants to. He isn't always subtle but his honesty and loyalty speak volumes about who he is. A Mediator that's job is to protect and rely messages. He had helped Nesy centuries ago and is still there for her in all the times that really matter to her.
" Yes you are! And you're risking all our lives in the process."
Cass is the more calm of the group. Where Zane is brutally honest and straight forward, Cass is the one to understand. She is the one that understands matters of the heart even when she shouldn't. I can't help but picture Cass with a beautiful and soft face the shows the calm and caring that rest within her.
"We'll make sure Lori stays safe. Do what you must." Cass embraces me.
"Be careful," she whispers
Lori is the one person that Nesy befriends at school. There is something about her that makes her special. There is no sign stating that she will be the key to anything or be anyone but she seems special. Even different. Lori shows concern for Nesy even when Nesy tries to reassure her that she can take care of herself. It doesn't matter how you look at Lori she is special and you can not deny it.
Everthing else -- her blazing hair, her too-old eyes, her antique dress -- Screamsof another time altogether.
This novel is so much more than its vivid characters. There is a rich and clear world that has a strong background (see Dies Irae). You see the world of light and take some steps into the darkness. We all know that there can not be no light without some dark and no good without the evil. This novel takes that balance and makes you question if maybe those two sides can blend and make a grey area and if it does will it work. The dreams that these characters have are passionate.
A hand in mine.. hot. Breath on my neck... sweet. The feel of lips on my
own... forbidden.
Everyone in the book has a job. A place where they belong and know where they stand. You don't have to worry about being lost at any point in the book. There is no love triangle or a love that s there too easily. Every moment that passes in this book you know what should happen and what you want to happen. Not a single moment do you have to sit back and think "Why is this happening?" or "How did they get there?"
The only being I'll ever love. The one I must kill.
I never mastered anything. I am damaged. Broken. And I always will be.
Do not let this read pass you by. Christine has taken love and angels to a higher level. This book will draw you in and hook you right until the very last page. You will experience love, fights and lessons as you read this book. Every page you turn and every word you read will leave you addicted and feeling what the characters feel. I wish I could do this book justice in this review and hope I came close because I was honestly stunned and blown away on so many levels. This read is fun, original and easy!!
I part my lips and succumb fully to the moment. My body feels as though it willimplode as heat fuses my cells from my belly to my head.
Like I said I still love this series and am personally saddened that it is coming to an end!
Like I said I still love this series and am personally saddened that it is coming to an end!
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