Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Author R.E. Sheahan **Interview & Giveaway**

R.E. Sheahan contacted me and I contacted her back...  Well long story short
she ended up here and I am so glad that she found me...

Meet R.E. Sheahan
I have always been a reader. I love books, all the characters you meet, grow to love or hate, and the exciting places stories take you. When I wasn’t able to read, I listened to audio books on tape or CD. Still do. So at any given time, I probably have and audio book and an e-book or paper back going.
I wrote stories as a kid, usually about horses and dogs. Later, I realized I wrote fairly decent newspapers articles and was being asked to write letters for friends and family.

I started to dabble in writing while working as a Paramedic/Firefighter in Northern California. Trust me, it’s not like it appears on TV. There was plenty of time for books, mostly reading them.

I didn't seriously start writing until I moved to a ranch in Oregon. While waiting for lambs to be born in the middle of the night, I would head back to the house for an hour or two and sit down at the computer. Before I knew it, I had a book. It wasn't good, needed lots of work, but I learned a few things along the way.
I got involved with critique groups and went to writer's conferences. I was on the fast track to learning.

About four years ago the dabbling became more serious when worlds and characters screamed for, no, demanded attention. So I wrote my first manuscript. Then I wrote a second, a third, and a fourth. Wow! Ideas from dreams follow me into warm sunny days or the quiet of falling snow. What ifs feed a vivid imagination. Even miss-typed phrases may lead to an "aha" moment. Brain storming sessions standing in windy, dark parking lots with fellow writers release thoughts that pry at the corners of my mind, grasping for purchase. Sometimes the ideas pursue me, with persistence.
The line-up of book ideas in my computer grows. Those will get their chance to be heard and seen when my Storm of Arranon Series is finished.Hmmm. Finished?
Find Her:

Pink= Me
Purple= R.E.

Hello Tiffany!  Thank you so much for this opportunity! And it’s so much fun!

Most memorable moment as an author so far.
There are several, but in a way, they are the same. For me, it’s that moment
when I see a review from a reader that enjoyed my book. There’s nothing like
that feeling!

Is there anything that you have to have with you while writing?
Coffee is a good first! Or tea. I like Whale Tea, it has a sweet, spicy, orange
flavor. (BTW. No whales were harmed in the making of this tea!)
I got used to writing with the TV on and still seem to work better with that low
background noise. I know many writers have music going while they work. I
can’t. I tend to get into the music and my concentration slips. But I do like to
have music when I’m walking, working out a scene or a character.

What is the one thing you couldn’t live without?
Family. Friends. I know that’s two, but some friends are like family.

One thing that you wish you could live without.
Hmmm. Cupcakes. Not that I want to live without cupcakes. Maybe just cupcake control!

Have you always wanted to be a writer?
No. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a cowgirl, you know, work on a ranch. In
high school, I wanted to be a veterinarian. After high school, I thought being a
paramedic would be cool.  It was during that paramedic time in my life, and later the working on a ranch part, (where I did learn to do much of my own vet work), I found what I 
believe is what I am meant to do.  
It was all necessary to get to where I am today.

If you could go back in time to see one thing what would it be? Or would you
prefer a sneak peek at the future?
I would choose the future, to see intergalactic space flight and interaction with
alien races. I often look up at the night sky and . . . well, the what if’s start!

Do you relate to one of your characters more than the others?
They all have an aspect of me, or what I would like to be. But I would have to
say I relate to Erynn most.

Cover design . . . Do you do it or do you have someone do it for you?
I am very fortunate to work with artists to create my covers. I have in mind
what I want, but do listen to their suggestions. It ends up being a collaboration
and in some ways, the choices I’m presented with are more difficult than
writing the book!

What is the one thing that is always, always in your purse.
Easy. A book. <-- A lady after my own heart!!

Once again You have 2 chances to win R.E. Sheahan's books!! IN PRINT!!!  
Oh and a poster to one lucky U.S. Winner!!! 

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