Nineteen-year-old vampire Dawn has led a sheltered life within the confines of her father’s presidential headquarters. Upon being sent on a mission to revamp four goofy misfits into guardians of a peaceful little town of Angel Creek, Dawn believes that all her dreams have finally come true. What starts off as a simple task, turns into something unexpected, changing Dawn’s life forever and leading the action-loving, thrill-seeking vampire teen on a path of mystery, danger and intrigue.
When a human girl is kidnapped by a group of rogue vamps, Dawn discovers that there is more going on in Angel Creek than meets the eye. And it all connects to Ethan, the cute newcomer who seems too perfect to be true, Sebastian, the mysterious vampire with a turbulent past, and even Dawn herself. Dawn must not only succeed in revamping the troubled recruits, but must also prevent the vampire race from being overtaken by a malevolent villain who has a strange and obsessive fascination with her. As threat escalates, romance blooms, and ghosts from her past begin to surface, Dawn is sure of only one thing: her life will never be the same.
Well I certainly wish I had picked up this book sooner. I didn't start it until about 7pm and I was up until about 2-3am reading it. My reading ability slowed with the late hour but my interest only intensified as I read on and I was not ready to put this wonderful book down. Even after the last page was turned, I was still finding myself wanting more. Not because it was a cliff hanger ending but because I simply loved everything about this book.
The story itself seemed simple enough to start. Vamps as we know them are in the open. We have the wonderful Hollywood to thank for this. Once out in the open and welcomed by most people life seems good. You have all of your politics of course and this is where you find Dawn. The daughter of the Vampire President of the US. However you don't get your typical defenceless daughter. Dawn is highly trained in EVERYTHING and is more than okay with taking care of herself. In fact she instructs the younger ones on how to defend and attack. Honestly you will love Dawn and her strength.
When Dawn finally gets her first mission, it is so far from what she expected. No matter what it is to start she is just happy that her father is letting her out into the field. Brooke, Sophie, Seth and Hunter are her assignment. She is to train the 4 of them to protect the small town of Angel Creek. What seemed like a simple task is going to be much harder than planned when she meets them all. Not only are they basically all 100% different but they can barely get along. The way they clash is undeniable and you will feel for Dawn but at them same time there is always hope, right...
The main men. Oh boy! I use the term boy very lightly. Both Ethan and Sebastian are horribly attractive, however the difference in personality is like night and day. While Ethan is easy on the eyes and simply easy to be around I just couldn't love him. He is the puppy to Sebastian's wolf. Yes that means I LOVE Sebastian and his difficult and infuriating ways. Aren't the best ones the more difficult ones :) Sebastian really just wants nothing to do with any one and you can't help but be drawn to him.
When I say pick up this book you wont be disappointed I mean it in the strongest, most suggestive way possible! The story is different, intriguing and fun. There is something for everyone and the strength of the leading lady Dawn will seriously blow you away. There are a couple twists the will really throw you off but honestly I think that is why I loved this book so much. The pace was perfect for me and when the little twists came it was simply a delight and a surprise! I can't wait for the next book!!!!
You can Purchase the book HERE
a Rafflecopter giveawayWhen I say pick up this book you wont be disappointed I mean it in the strongest, most suggestive way possible! The story is different, intriguing and fun. There is something for everyone and the strength of the leading lady Dawn will seriously blow you away. There are a couple twists the will really throw you off but honestly I think that is why I loved this book so much. The pace was perfect for me and when the little twists came it was simply a delight and a surprise! I can't wait for the next book!!!!
You can Purchase the book HERE
The wonderful Author of this novel provided me with a copy for an honest review.
Ada has kindly offered up 1 Kindle version of ReVamped for 1 lucky person!!
Ada has kindly offered up 1 Kindle version of ReVamped for 1 lucky person!!
****Scavenger Hunt Image****
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