Jus Accardo is the author of YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy fiction. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald. Her first book, Touch, is available now from Entangled Publishing. She is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.
A great quote can be inspirational. It can make us laugh, or swoon. It can make us feel connected when we’re lonely. A quote is the perfect example of the power words can hold. They can come from anywhere. Movies, books, people… I thought today I’d share some of my favorites with you.
Let’s start with people. Some of my absolute favorites come from Lord Byron.
For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction – Simple and says it all. This describes my life perfectly. Example? My 60 something year old neighbor mowing the lawn at midnight wearing nothing but a red Speedo. Seriously. You can’t make this stuff up…
If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad – My brain is a random idea generator. Some pan out, others get filed away in a WTF were you thinking folder. Either way though, I need to get them out. If I don’t, it gets really crowded in there…
And what about movies? Everything from creepy to hilarious. Movie quotes stick with us.
I’ll be back... – You know you think badass, unstoppable killing machine when you hear that.
I see dead people – Tell me you didn’t get the chills when you saw Haley Joel Osment turn to Bruce Willis and confess his big secret?
I want my two dollars! – I don’t care how old you are, if you don’t know this quote, a small part of me just died…
Of course I saved the best for last. The book quotes. Funny, swoontastic, and all around awesome! I’ve seen everything from t-shirts to tattoos honoring these puppies. A few weeks ago, I even saw a van that had Jacob’s face (Twilight) and I'm gonna fight for you, until your heart stops beating airbrushed across the driver’s side. On the passenger’s side, Edward's face and Look after my heart - I've left it with you. Crazy, right?
Pick up your clothes. I am not your maid. How do I know this? A maid cannot kill you with a tube sock. I can. – If you haven’t read Rob Thurman’s Cal Leandros series, you need to snap it up ASAP. There are so many awesome one liners, it will make your head spin.
So, since I’m a sucker for book quotes, we’re going to play a little game! There are 15 participating blogs for this event. At each stop there will be a teaser quote from TOXIC. It will be your job to figure out who said what. A random commenter from each blog will be picked to receive a swag bag and an eBook copy of UNTOUCHED, and then those winners will be pooled and one grand prize winner will get a signed copy of TOUCH and a Touch key chain. On the last day of the event, I’ll pop by each of the blogs and give the answers!
(There will be one (1) prize for each stop. One winner will receive a Denazen Swag Bag + an eBook copy of Untouched. Then Jus will take those winners and pick one (1) grand prize winner that will will receive a signed, print copy of Touch + a Touch Key Chain)
The Bookish Brunette
Waiting For Wentworth
The Magic Attic
The Fairy Tale Nerd
Doctors Notes
Books Movies Reviews Oh My
My Reading Room
Young Readers
Paranormal Book Fan
Coffee Books and Me
Better Read than Dead
Jelly Loves Books
Nightly Reading
Always YA at Heart
- Jus
Here's a list of all the participating blogs! Check them out for more chances to win some of these amazing prizes!
(There will be one (1) prize for each stop. One winner will receive a Denazen Swag Bag + an eBook copy of Untouched. Then Jus will take those winners and pick one (1) grand prize winner that will will receive a signed, print copy of Touch + a Touch Key Chain)
The Bookish Brunette
Waiting For Wentworth
The Magic Attic
The Fairy Tale Nerd
Doctors Notes
Books Movies Reviews Oh My
My Reading Room
Young Readers
Paranormal Book Fan
Coffee Books and Me
Better Read than Dead
Jelly Loves Books
Nightly Reading
Always YA at Heart
Now what you've all been waiting for....the EXCLUSIVE Toxic Quote:
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