Welcome, Kristie Cook!
Author of The Soul Savers Series!
Thanks for stopping by!
7 in the main series (Alexis’s story) plus more novellas like Genesis (which just came out), short stories and maybe even full side novels
Who do you see playing Alexis & Tristan on the big screen?
I won’t say. I really have more of a composite of several actors in mind for each, but I won’t even share that. I prefer readers to come up with their own images. It makes the story more personal to them.
How do you over come writers block?
Depends on what’s causing it. Sometimes I still need to be “shown” the next scene by the characters and a walk or a shower helps. Other times, it’s because I forced something to happen in the previous scene(s) and the characters are telling me that it really didn’t happen like that, so they refuse to move forward. Then I have to go back and see where I made a character do something he or she would never do or where I missed their true reaction to something that happened.
Who is the one author you’d LOVE to co-write with?
Ha! This is the second time I’ve answered this today. The most obvious answer is J.K. Rowling, because she’s simply brilliant. But I don’t know that we’d work well together. In fact, she’d probably do all the writing and I’d just be nodding my head in agreement and drooling over her amazingness, having nothing worthwhile to add. Writing is such a personal activity, that anyone I co-author with would have to be a friend first. Someone I know well and can see we have a high level of synergy together. Someone who’s somewhat like me but also has different strengths and weaknesses so we can complement each other. So I don’t know, but if you ever see me co-author something, you know I found that person.
Apple Pie or Pumpkin Pie?
Blood Halloween or Gothic Halloween?
Vampires or Werewolves?
Oooooh, I don’t know! Angels!
Haunter House or Corn Maze?
Haunted House – I know I’ll eventually get out of it. Plus they’re just a lot more fun.
To find out more about Kristie & her awesomeness, here's where you can stalk her:
Kristie is kind enough put up a copy of the Soul Savers Novella, Genesis, for 1 lucky follower
To find out more about Kristie & her awesomeness, here's where you can stalk her:
Kristie is kind enough put up a copy of the Soul Savers Novella, Genesis, for 1 lucky follower
"A father who reveals his truth.
Twins who take different paths—one light, one dark.
Angels who have plans for them both
And Demons who do as well.
So the Earthly battle for souls ignites…
A tale that is over 2,000 years old, this is the story of the Amadis beginnings."
Twins who take different paths—one light, one dark.
Angels who have plans for them both
And Demons who do as well.
So the Earthly battle for souls ignites…
A tale that is over 2,000 years old, this is the story of the Amadis beginnings."
Congrats to Dawn Doyle!
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Spreading the word isn't mandatory, but is VERY much appreciated!
**Contest is International and will run until Monday, Oct. 31st @ 11:59pm**
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