Friday, December 17, 2010

Fresh Face Friday 12-17-10

La, La, La....oh don't mind me, I'm just dancing around & listening to music while I'm writing this weeks, FFF.

Lately it seems as though I'm having a harder time finding authors that only have 1 book published. I don't know if that has to do with multi-book deals? Or possible they're all hiding from me? (I'm going with the latter) I will say this, that I am thankful for everyone that I do find, and every single author that I've found has sparked my excitement to feature them in my FFF.

OK, now onto the goods!

With her first book, The Thirteenth Chime, Emma Michaels takes a spin on YA paranormal that goes beyond your average vampire or shape shifters.  She captures you with a tale of lies, deceit & revenge, that will have you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next. To show you what I mean here's a synopsis of Emma's book:

No one knew of its existence until it was removed from the attic upstairs.

In a beautiful house that overlooks the sea, an antique clock has the power to change the course of their lives.
The power the clock resonates will not only force Destiny and ex-boyfriend David on a journey into the depths of one man's mind long dead, but into the mind of a man filled with hatred and bent on revenge.
With the only clues to the nature of the clock having disappeared into the sea, Destiny and David must retrace the steps the man had taken into the darkness, before they fall prey to the trap he had set in motion over half a century ago. 
Hatred never dies.


As am up and coming author, Emma sure knows how to grasp your attention quickly! Imagine what the books like if this is just the synopsis? :)

So, swing by Emma's Blogspot, or her website, to find out how to get your copy of, The Thirteenth Chime!

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