Monday, December 13, 2010


I'm stumbling on B.A.M's like they're rocks in the road lately!

While surfing thru some fellow bloggers sites today, I stumbled upon a piece of cover art that caught my eye.

But seriously, how could a half-naked dude with a nothing but a belt & jeans on NOT catch my attention?

So, while my interest was peeked, I decided that I'd google the author, Ava Gray. I found that not only does she offer a whole line of books with half naked guys on the cover (please try to see the humor I'm trying to put forth), but they're all really good!

Ava's, Skin Series, has a total of 4 books in it so far. Though only 2 have been release, Skin Heat (pictured above) is set to release Jan. 4th, 2011, and Skin Dive (pictured below) has a release date of July 5th, 2011.

Now that I've introduced you to another enticing author with amazing cover art, you can:

1. Check out her website (which also has a link above),  and Facebook (which is under her other pen name, so don't be alarmed)

2. Thank me later :)

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