Friday, June 18, 2010

Life According to Literature, Take 2

I did this meme once last year. You'll find that post here. Already back then I thought this would be something fun to do every once in a while, so here comes:

Life According to Literature, Take 2:

To answer the following questions I'm using only books I have read this year (2010). Click on the title to find more info on the book. 
Describe yourself: Empress of the World

How do you feel: Little Boy Lost

Describe how you currently live: In This House of Brede

If you could go anyway, where would you go: To the Lighthouse

Your favorite form of transportation: The River

Your best friend is: The Lieutenant

You and your friends are: Bluestockings

What's the weather like: Greengage Summer

What is the best advice you have to give: How Beautiful the Ordinary

Thought for the day: Rapture

How I would like to die: Before the Throne

My soul's present condition: Happenstance

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