This week I had the great priviledge of participating in a creative learning camp in Reykjavik, Iceland, where ca. 70 library professionals from 7 different public library systems in the Nordic countries spent two work-filled but fun days creating ideas for common Nordic concepts for public libraries. On our last day in Iceland some of us spent the evening taking a tour to see some of the natural wonders of Iceland. Most of the photos in this post are from that tour. The link above is for the Nordic Camps Ning. If you want to see some pictures from the camp, here's a few of group 6 to which I belonged to. I'm the one wearing the gray Greenwich hoodie. :) And if you are wondering what an earth are we doing in the first few pictures... We were preparing our final presentation, or pitch as they were called on the camp, and we decided to do that through a little play. Much more interesting and fun than a couple of PowerPoint slides, don't you agree? :)
During my stay in Reykjavik I also learned about the -website, which is an English language website dedicated to contemporary Icelandic fiction writers. Do take a look! The site also lists all the translations available of the books.
1. The photo above: Geysir park. This was the most spectacular of the geysirs.
2. Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland
3. A lake in a volcanic crater
4. Standing on the American Plate & looking over the rift area towards the Euro-Asian Plate
5. Another picture of the geysirs
6. The Golden Waterfall (Gullfoss)

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