Wednesday, March 20, 2013

**Review Repost** ReAwakened by Ada Adams

Ada is an amazing person and a wonderful author!!  I been invested in 
this series since ReVamped thanks to Jessirae from Words, Pages & Books!! 

Becoming a vampire guardian was Dawn Fairchild’s ticket out of the Scarlet House. Fresh off a successful mission, life in Angel Creek should have been great. But when her sort-of-maybe-boyfriend, Sebastian, disappears on a quest to help a beautiful vampire from his past, Dawn finds herself amidst a web of danger, lies, and deceit.
Joining forces with Razor, an enigmatic rebel lacking both a verbal and a physical filter, and her band of Misfits—Brooke, Sophie, Hunter, and Seth—Dawn is thrust into a race against the clock to solve the mystery surrounding brutal Born kidnappings and come to terms with the sudden discovery of her own unique powers. With time ticking away and Born vampires’ livesin jeopardy, it quickly becomes evident that someone—or something—desperately wants Dawn and is willing to shed any amount of blood to get her.
Dawn has only one chance to face her demons and overcome all obstacles standing in her way as she embarks on the biggest mission of her life—one that threatens a deadly outcome for all involved.

Expected Release: November 27, 2012
Paperback: 520 pages
Review Copy: Mobi.
**Copy provided by author for review
Buy It!!:


  Holy talent Batman.  Ada Adams has done it yet again!  ReAwakened was every bit the awesome action packed page turner that ReVamped was.  Actually if possible I liked this one a little more... Not really sure if that is 
possible though.  This is one series that I'm not quite sure why it's not on shelves of every bookstore out there.  It's the type of book you pick up and don't put down until you have turned the very last page.

  The story in this one is just a quick paced and fun to read as the first.  You are taken back to Angel Creek with Dawn and her awesome group of misfits but things are changing.  The group is supposed to become the towns protectors but things just go horribly wrong.  The team seems to be put in an impossible situation in which they are made out to be less than they really are.  Fear not though  Dawn is determined to keep spirits up and get to the bottom of everything.  Everything being all of the Borns that are being abducted and never returning.  Scary considering Dawn is one but as always she is willing to do whatever it takes to protect those around her, even if it does mean putting herself in danger.

  Dawn is such an awesome character.  I have a serious girl crush on her.  She is all around kick ass but when it comes down to it she is still just a girl.  I was going to say human but she is far from human.  I really enjoyed the growth in her throughout this book.  Actually truth be told Dawn is one character that I can say with certainty is always growing.  I love that I don't have you scream and pull my hair out because she is constantly making the same mistakes.  Not saying that she is perfect because she is far from perfect but she learns from her mistakes and tries not to make the same one twice.  Though sometimes her heart takes over her head, I think that I love her more for it.  You know sometimes when a character is just too perfect you're like "Um...  Where can I relate?"  Dawn doesn't have that feel.  Though her flaws are not abundant she has them and they are what make her so easy to love and relate to.

  Now normally I would go into the relationship part of the book here. However there are far too many awesome characters that I feel would be left out by me doing this.  Like Hunter.  If you read book one (ReVamped) I know you are thing WTF?!  But Hunter is all different now and actually in his first appearance in this book my jaw may have dropped just a little.  He is so much more than he was in book one and we get a look at his past.  It's not all rainbows and butterflies and you kind of get why he was the way he was.  Though he is no longer that person either.  There is also so much growth in Brooke, Sophie and  Seth.  My gosh I love the banter that goes on between Sophie and Seth.  The make the cutest non-couple, couple.  And Sophie is becoming more than he stand back librarian self.  She is becoming someone that can stand up for herself but she also really stands up for her team and does what is necessary to help them.  Overall the entire band of misfits has become oh so much more.  I am seriously routing for Hunter though!

  Now the romance...  I am at a loss for words really, this is not easy to explain at all.  In the start of the book I wanted to punch Sebastian.  Oh ya, I wanted to haul off and tell him how unbelievably stupid he was.  With the undeniable attraction between him and Dawn, I just couldn't understand his actions. I don't think Dawn understood either but even through her hurt her affection never changed.  Even when Razor (the hot new guy) steps on the scene.  Truth be told Razor never even had a chance because of how Dawn feels for Sebastian but he does make for some awesome verbal wars.  If you fear the dreaded love triangle than you can pick up ReAwakened worry free.  Despite the addition the romance remains between Dawn and Sebastian.

  Truth be told I am unsure if I love this book or ReVamped better.  The are both chalk full of awesome and are undeniably a must read!   Even if you aren't a huge fan of Vamps you may want to give this one a try.  With such witty and fun dialogue it's hard not to love.  Then you can actually top that with the fact it is masterfully written and a fun read.  Ada Adams is brilliant and I can't wait to see what happens next!! Literally, the ending KILLED ME a little on the inside.

Event Giveaway
Because I already have a Giveaway running for ReVamped Ada thought 
it would be awesome to give away a copy of ReAwakened & some swag!

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