Monday, November 29, 2010

Teaser Tuesday 30.11.2010

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by LizB of Should Be Reading

The rules are:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include spoilers
  • Share the title and author too so that other Teaser Tuesday participients can add the book on their TBR lists, if they like your teasers!
After I finished reading The Holy Machine, an interesting scifi novel by Chris Beckett, I was once again faced with the delightful problem of what to read next. :) I finally found my copy of The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. (Is it a sign that one owns too many books, when the book you are looking for is actually on the book shelf and you still have trouble finding it??) I read the Finnish translation of The Women in White many years ago as a teenager, but I bought the original version last year in order to reread it in English. It's been so long since the first read that I don't remember any particulars about the plot, only that I liked the book a lot. And it seems that also this time around the story has got me hooked from the start! My teaser is from page 18.

"We set our faces towards London, and walked on together in the first still hour of the new  day -I, and this woman, whose name, whose character, whose story, whose objects in life, whose very presence by my side, at that moment, were fantomless mysteries to me. It was like a dream."

I've been browsing the net for info on 2011 reading challenges. I've already decided on joining the GLBT Challenge also for 2011. On Sunday I read a post about Alex and Joanna's One Two Theme! Challenge, which sounds like great fun and I immediately started pondering on different themes I would like to read books about. At the moment I have for example nuns and Egypt as my themes, but that may change yet. I'm not posting my "official" challenge posts until later.

Have you found any other interesting reading challenges for 2011?

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