Weekly Report is my way of showing you from week to week (most of the time) what new books I received and what has gone on in the past week. So basically it's a report for all the awesome that I got and shared! Originally I posted IMM by Story Siren this is just my version with a little extra ;)
Okay so I got busy... Okay I got behind and had A LOT of stuff come up. Most of it really not so good : ( So I missed last week's Weekly Report that should have finished off what I got in March. This week was going to be an April ONLY. However due to reasons I now have a MASS amount of books to share. Which is good because being out of work will put a damper on my book purchases... Meaning there will be next to none :( However you don't want to hear my sob story you want to see the goods!! So Part 3/3 was supposed to be stuff I was gifted but now it will be a conglomeration of EVERYTHING!!
Okay so I had a visit with my AMAZING blogger Girl Friend Evie from Bookish. We haven't seen each other since OCTOBER!! So there was Christmas presents, Easter presents and then I normally end up feeling bad because I leave after taking stuff off of her shelves. Kind of go into book over load at her house and leave feeling bad for taking stuff... Though I will say I love her and the visit the most! Especially now that our dogs are in love <3 any way thanks to Evie I got these pretties!
My most recent win was a GC to Amazon.com from Justin of Justin's Book Blog!! This will be probably my last haul of books in awhile and I may have attempted to huge the delivery lady... She wasn't as excited as I was. Make sure you so and follow Justin I love his blog and he is such a sweet person. These are the books I got with my GC:
When everyone was doing the Giveaways for Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes I must have entered every single one! I was jumping for joy when I won a copy from Tynga's Review <3 I find myself wanting to switch up so I can link to her awesome Meme Stacking the Shelves but beyond that she runs a wonderful blog that you need to check out if you haven't (I don't know who hasn't but there may be someone out there lol). I also happened to stumble up the blog My Seryniti and love stopping in there (weekly) to see her posts! This is where I won Undead by Kristy McKay!! Please stop by and check her out, you wont regret it!!
So I will confess that despite the tight budget and knowing I should I bought With All My Soul from Target. It was my first time in a Canadian one and though I was let down because they do NOT compare to the US ones I felt I should buy something. The Rising was purchased for my by my Girl Friend Kristie!! She is awesome and seeing Chapters.ca had them for $10 it worked out!
I bought from Walmart Nameless because well the cover is beautiful and who can resist 30% off!! Also I was still good when it came out :) With Centaur Legacy the WONDERFUL Nancy Straight sent me this because quite simply she is amazing. I have been a fan since Meeting Destiny but I fell head over heels for Blood Debt!! You can get your Kindle copy FREE HERE and look for my review of Centaur Legacy next week!! I started and finished in a day!!!!
For review from the Simon & Schuster Canada
Now I would normally link you guys up to last weeks posts but it is late (still didn't do this early... Shame on me!!!) So I will leave yo with my happy inspiration for finishing this month and getting my:
YES!!! This event starts May 1 and there are A LOT of Author giveaways, interviews and posts!!! Basically I have been trying to read double time to get ahead and the authors have all been great!! So back to my song that keeps looping around and inspiring me to keep going <3
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