It is no secret that I believe Ali is amazing. Not just as an
Author but as a person! I am ecstatic to be a part of her
tour for the third and final novel in the Desolation series!!!
You can read my review HERE !
The Book:
Choosing is a bad idea, because Desi always makes the wrong one, and sometimes there are no do-overs. Certainly not this time, when all has been lost and Desi can’t even save herself, let alone her friends. For Desi, the hardest thing is letting someone help her, to accept their sacrifice on her behalf. But that’s exactly what she’ll have to do in order to save the worlds from Helena’s destruction.
The goddess of Helheimer, long imprisoned by Desi’s father, Loki, is free at last, and she’s bent on reclaiming what once was hers. The nine worlds will be drawn into war, over Hell, over Earth, with innocent humans meaningless collateral. While Michael and the Gardians of Asgard, along with the golden-armored Valkyrie lead the battle for freedom, it’s Desi who holds the destiny of all the worlds in her hands.
Can she set aside her doubts, once and for all, and claim the gifts that are hers to bear? Can she accept the sacrifice that is made for her and Become all that she was created to be?
Her final choice will define not only her future, but the fate of humankind, forever more.
Release Date: December 12, 2012
Published By: Novel Ninjutsu
Now I have the good fortune of posting a Bio and Guest post from
one of my favourite characters in the series!
James. Well him and the love of his life Miri. Who is one
of the most sweet yet determined girls EVER!!!!
James and
The Dance of Death
Interested yet? I hope so!!
You can find and BUY (yes I meant that to be all in caps)
on Amazon. So click on this link---> HERE & be taken
to all the awesome!
More About Ninja Ali
Ali Cross is the sensei of the Ninjas Write Dojo where she holds a black belt in awesome. She lives in Utah with her kickin' husband, two sparring sons, one ninja cat, two sumo dogs and four zen turtles.
More About Ninja Ali

Also Ali is offering up SUPER EPIC prizes for this tour and as much
as I want need some of them I feel it is my duty to share this with
all of you and give you a chance to bask in some awesome too!
The Ultimate Desolation Fan Prize Pack!
Kindle Paperwhite
The Desolation Trilogy
Twenty-five additional books by awesome indie authors
Twelve Signed Books!
And Each Blog on the Tour will Give Away a Desolation (e) Trilogy!
Available in any format
For my blog I have an e-copy of the trilogy for one lucky winner!
Just enter the form below!!
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