So I did have a review set up to post today but I (after sleeping 20 out of 24 hours in the past day) have decided that this post is far more important than any review could be.
This blog is not just a product of my love of books but really a show of how amazing and supportive fellow bloggers and authors can be!! I have a special place in my heart for so many of you out there and I know I wont get you all in, in one post but just know that I appreciate EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING no matter how big or small, that you all have done for me. The reason I feel the need to post this right now is that with all of the drama going on out there in this family of readers, bloggers and writers I feel that you all need to hear that there are those of us out there that care. Now you may think and say that you know and to an extent you do but some that aren't a part of all of this yet, the ones that have yet to join this supportive and wonderful community need to know just how awesome it is to be a part of everything.
So let me introduce you to all of the people that have stood beside me and encouraged to go
on even when I wasn't sure if I could make it all work. Now I know most of you wont read why
but I would be super happy if you could at least click and visit the who's!!!
For supporting my nervous behind enough for me to get this blog going!! Ali supported me right from the moment we started talking and I love her for it. She put a lot of faith in me. Mary Ann has been wonderful from our first meeting in #YABookChat. She is nothing but positive and wonderful. Let me tell you she has been there every time I have a question and in the start that was A LOT!!! These 2 ladies are honestly the reason that I was able to gather the courage to start and the ones that answered my millions of questions before my first post went up!!
These wonderful authors have included me in things that I never even dreamed of being a part of. I mean becoming a blogger I figured I would be contacted for reviews and interviews but these ladies have gone above and beyond as far as I am concerned!!! Christine.... Well she has kept me in the loop for all her new projects and what she is up to!! Which is AWESOME because some days when I have gone awhile without a little dose of what she has going on I go through withdrawal. Brina was the victim of my first ever review :) I LOVED Reveal and was clinging to the last page and then Brina made me one of the happiest people by letting me Beta for her. Yup, I all but passed out when she asked me!! Now because of these wonderful ladies I look forward to meeting more Indie Authors!
My first blogging friends! Well the first ones that I made all on my own. I know that sounds silly but both Joy and Jessirae I met along my blogging journey. Joy has been so much of an inspiration with her reviews and kindness. Reading hers reviews was when I first realized how awesome you can make a review even if you didn't enjoy a book. Her reviews are honest and filled to the brim with how she felt and I frequently smile or giggle while reading on her blog. Jessirae is a perfect example of how friendship can grow and mean something even if you are a world away! Okay so we aren't a world away but Ontario to California feels that way sometimes. Jessirae is awesome to talk to and has been an all around joy to be friends with. we send "care" packages to each other and she is how I met Ada!! Adam Adams is a must for anyone that hasn't visited her or read her EPIC novel!!!
I am almost at a loss of words now. It has been hard as it is to pin one thing for each of these people and getting harder. Heather was the first person to let me in on a blog tour. This is a MAJOR thing for such a new and small blogger such as myself. She didn't hesitate or anything just gave me a spot and has on every tour I have asked to be a part of since then. I have to thank her so much for that because as an organizer it can't be easy to take chances like that!! Evie... I don't even know where to start with her. This wonderful design you see that is ALL Evie! However she is SO MUCH more than that. Evie was the first blogger that I met in the flesh. Her and Wendy A Cupcake & A Latte welcomed me right off the hop and made me feel like I belonged. I have met Evie twice since then and she wows me with her kind heart EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!! She helps, supports, shares and will make you smile but has a fighters heart and will stand up for what she feels is right. I really look up to her for all the wonderful things she has done and will continue to do.
So thank you all!! If your name isn't here it's not that I don't love you or appreciate you!!! It's the fact that this post is a result of TOO MUCH SLEEP & my need to remind everyone out there of all the awesome that Bloggers & Authors alike have to give!!! So even when I feel like this:
I keep on going because I know that even when people aren't rushing to read what I have to say and authors aren't lining up to be read by me that all of these guys are there. They support me and are just plain there to make this community better!!! So please visit and follow these people!!! Each of their names is the link to see their awesome blogs or some form of way to follow. THANK YOU for taking the time to read my rant or visit the people that make my blogging world more fun!!!!!
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