Author: Rebecca Gahagan
Release Date: 8/16/2011
Purchase Info: Amazon, B&N, Tate Publishing
Looking back on that day, December 16, 2012, I wish I would have enjoyed it more. If wishes were fishes, right? Everything was so simple then. If I had known my whole world was about to spiral out of control, I would have called in sick to work and slept the afternoon away.
Nineteen-year-old Abigail Thornton’s family means everything to her. Her quarreling brother and sister, her ailing father, and her overbearing mother matter more to Abigail than anything in the world.
That is until one fateful December day changes her life forever. Betrayal and death sweep through her family and life as she knows it will never be the same.
Abi is drawn into a battle waged for eternities between the Arkos and the Scrios. Abigail is the Arkos’ Chosen Soldier and with the help of Harrison, her Guardian, she fights the ultimate battle to save the souls of mankind. Abigail’s sister, Josephine, falls in with the Scrios, the enemy bent on destroying the world.
If Abigail succeeds in her mission, she must battle her sister and leave what’s left of her family forever. Should she fail, she will cease to exist, and the world will fall into an irreversible darkness.
In the midst of chaos, she finds a love truer than she’s ever known and the courage to defy those whose only mission is to destroy her.
But will it be enough? Will she be able to save the world from a terrible fate? How will Abigail be able to fight a sister who she once loved?
First Thought: Honestly, my first thought ALWAYS goes back to the cover. With the intensity of the eyes, it reminds me of the battle that is mounting throughout this entire book!
Ok, so as most of you know, I picked up this book because I feel 100% in L-O-V-E with the cover! Thank god what was written on the pages matched the outside, or I would have been a very disappointed person.
Abi, the main character, you can tell right off the bat she's going to be a great to watch develop. You can tell from the beginning that there's that little something lying right beneath the surface just waiting to pop through!
One character who I absolutely admired from the beginning of the book was Abi & Josephine's father. He may be wheelchair bound, but his strength & wise insight completely touched my heart. Just the way Rebecca wrote about Abi's father makes me emotional, she was able to capture their bond & love perfectly.
As I got into the book a little more things TOTALLY got interesting. First, there's Harrison (a 9 on the YUMM-O Meter), who is assigned as Abi's guardian, BUT Abi has NO clue what in gods name is going on. All she knows is that weird people are smashing her car windows magically, her sister's turned into the poster child for Hot Topic & now the fate of the world rests on her shoulder. Kind of a tall order to fill. don't ya think?!
My patience level while reading this book was so on the edge it was ridiculous! I know there's this EPIC battle brewing, but the feelings bubbling within Abi are about to explode! Not only is she grieving, attracted to Harrison, and inevitably having to fight her sister to the death, but she's worried about.....things.
One character who I absolutely admired from the beginning of the book was Abi & Josephine's father. He may be wheelchair bound, but his strength & wise insight completely touched my heart. Just the way Rebecca wrote about Abi's father makes me emotional, she was able to capture their bond & love perfectly.
As I got into the book a little more things TOTALLY got interesting. First, there's Harrison (a 9 on the YUMM-O Meter), who is assigned as Abi's guardian, BUT Abi has NO clue what in gods name is going on. All she knows is that weird people are smashing her car windows magically, her sister's turned into the poster child for Hot Topic & now the fate of the world rests on her shoulder. Kind of a tall order to fill. don't ya think?!
My patience level while reading this book was so on the edge it was ridiculous! I know there's this EPIC battle brewing, but the feelings bubbling within Abi are about to explode! Not only is she grieving, attracted to Harrison, and inevitably having to fight her sister to the death, but she's worried about.....things.
Oh, you thought I was going to tell you...BAHAHAHA, now you'll just have to grab this book yourself. It's definetly a different read, but the tension should have you on your toes & through this book in no time!

Rebecca has graciously offered up a signed copy of Josephine Lost to 1 lucky winner!
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