Wednesday, September 28, 2011

1st Annual MHAFH Charity Short Story Contest

The First Annual MHAFH Charity Short Story Contest

On October 1st, My Home Away From Home bookpage and blog will be hosting 2 short story contests. One of Adult genre and one of the Young Adult genre.

Rules, Regulations and guidelines

·        Stories must be original unpublished fiction, typed and double-spaced, between 5,000-7,500 words and of either YA Paranormal or Adult Paranormal genre.

·        The short story is open to all U.S. and international writers. There are no age restrictions for the YA short stories, but we ask that ADULT stories be written by persons 18 and older.

·        Paranormal includes Supernatural, Paranormal, and Fantasy genres.

·        10 (ten) short stories from each category will be chosen and published in an ebook via

·        All proceeds from the sales of the ebooks will be donated to The Pajama Program charity. (For more details about The Pajama Project, check out the website at

·        No previously submitted or published works will be allowed. Any plagiarized works will call for an immediate disqualification from the contest.

·        Short stories must be received in our email ( by 11:59pm December 31st.

·        When submitting short stories, be sure to include the contest genre you're entering, The Title, your REAL NAME OR PEN NAME (if using one) in the subject line.
EXAMPLE: (YA) The Phantom Menace by T. Scott.

·        Also include a short 5-6 sentence biography to be included in the ebook if your short story is chosen.

·        Please be sure to revise and edit your stories before submitting them as we will judge them as we receive them.

·        We reserve the right to cancel or extend the contest if there are not enough submissions by the deadline date.

And last but not least… Get creative guys! Bring in your own creatures and beings. Mix and match myths and create your own world! Give us the characters you envisioned and don’t be afraid if its too weird or strange. They always make the best most interesting stories! Draw us in to your tales and leave us dieing for more because who knows? Someone might read your short story in the ebook and decide they want you to complete the tale!


Judges will choose the top 10 short stories in each genre to be published in an ebook with all proceeds going to The Pajama Program charity.

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