Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My week...thus far...

and It has SOOOOO been one of "Weeks"!

You know the ones you hear most of the world complain about?
I've felt like this.....


and this...

and this one about sums it up!

Yep, that was TOTALLY my Monday!

Then I woke up yesterday feeling the SAME way saying...

Seriously?! Can't a girl catch a break?

Can't I come into work to find some of this...

Ok, maybe not THAT many!

Maybe more like...

but noooooooooooooooo! I come to work to a whole lot of...

See, my week just hasn't been up to par!

So now I've decided to just become a reading...

but then these will start popping up every where

and maybe some of these, thinking I'm actually trying to eat brains!
(Brains are SO my thing FYI)

Thus leading to....

Yep, hands down...potentially the worst week ever!

Thank god I'm not a zombie and that my Wednesday has been AMAZING so far!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Giveaway Winner: Nathan Wrann - Dark Matter Heart

What better way to announce a winner then on a Friday!!

Thanks to everyone who entered, and the ever gracious Nathan Wrann for providing the prizes!

2 winners were pulled & they are:

Nat Cleary - International Prize

Audrey - U.S. Prize

Congrats you guys!! Emails have been sent!

**winners have 48 hours to respond of new winners will be chosen**

Fresh Face Friday 8-26-11

Who: Michelle Hodkin

What: The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

Mara Dyer doesn't think life can get any stranger than waking up in a hospital with no memory of how she got there.

It can.
She believes there must be more to the accident she can't remember that killed her friends and left her mysteriously unharmed.
There is.
She doesn't believe that after everything she's been through, she can fall in love.
She's wrong.

My Thoughts: There has been a TON of buzz around this book! I haven't read any of the reviews in depth, simply because when I pick it up I want to be surprised! I hope it lives up to the hype!

Cover: I'm interested to see if the cover shots actually plays a part in the book or ties into it some other way :)

Stalking Grounds: Twitter, Blog, Website, Goodreads

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Giveaway Winner: M.R. Merrick

Thank you, thank you, thank you to EVERYONE who entered & also to M.R. for donating such a great prize!

The winner of an e-copy of Exiled is......



**I have contacted the winner and they have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen!**

Romancing Your Dark Side: Interview & Giveaway w/ Jamie Magee

For our second stop in the Romancing Your Dark Side Tour, I am happy to introduce Jamie Magee! Author of Insight & Embody, and all around amazing lady!

 The series obviously has a HUGE fan base, if you could, would you ever want to do an actual book tour?

Wow…  I’ve never thought of myself as having ‘fans’ to me they are friends who share a common day dream. I would love to go on a live tour, to not only meet my friends across the world, but to travel. I love feeling the energy of new places and new people.

If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you want to be?

If I could be a vampire that doesn’t drink blood that would rock! I love the beauty of their skin and the strength of their bodies and minds. Not to mention the fact that they are well traveled and deeply intriguing.

How do you deal with writing under pressure for deadlines?

I’m one of those odd people who work really well under pressure. If I have a deadline it is a focus for me and I plan out every step I need to take to reach that point. If someone tells me to ‘get to it when I can’ the project usually stays on the back burner. If I don’t have more than a few things to juggle at once I become bored and complacent. I love to be challenged and deadlines do just that.

Who would be your ideal author to co-write with?

There are so many amazing authors that take paranormal romance in various directions it would be hard to chose one or turn down the opportunity to write with them. However, today I would say that I would love to co-write with my best writing buddy Cynthia Cene’ I love to pass ideas back and forth with her and I have no doubt we could come up with a unique paranormal romance. :)
 (I LOVE Cynthia too)

Quick Shots:

Thunder Storm or Snow Storm?

Both would give me a solid reason to stay indoors and write, but I love the sound of rumbling thunder creeping over the hills – it brings out the dark side in my writing!

Conan or Thor?

Who could chose?

Paperback or Kindle?

Kindle – I love paperbacks, but Kindle allows me to carry all of my books, and I don’t have to worry about hurting my them in my totes.

Burger or Salad?

Salad – love veggies

Snickers or Starburst?

Starburst – addicted to the red ones!(Who isn't!?)

Thank you SO much Jamie for stopping by!
If you want to learn more about Jamie or her Insight Series check out her Facebook Page!

Now for some goodies!
Jamie has graciously offered not 1, but 2 e-copies
of the first 2 books in her Insight Series, Insight & Embody!

To enter to win all I want to know is Snickers or Starburst?
Make sure to leave your name and an e-mail address!

*This contest IS International & will run thru Wednesday the 31st. Winner will be announced Sept. 1st*

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Damned Blog Tour: Interview and Giveaway with Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie


Everyone welcome, Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie, co-writers of  The Crusade Series!

How do you find your inspiration after all these years to continue writing?

Debbie: Just living provides a ton of inspiration.  That and good music!   

Nancy:  I’m a mom and I watch my daughter’s struggles and triumphs as she moves through life.  I recently told her that her life has a soundtrack.  And so do my fictional children.  

Can we expect the same twists and turns in Damned as we got in Crusade?

Debbie: More!  Nancy and I always like to up the stakes (pun intended here!) as our series continue.  There is more drama, more surprises, more everything in store for Team Salamanca.

Nancy:  We really put our hunters (and our vampires) through the ringer in this one.  By the time we finished writing, I could barely move for days.  

I’ve heard that sometimes writing as a team can sometimes be rather, uh, difficult. Is it as hard as people say it is?

Debbie: Not when you have a partner as terrific as Nancy!  We have a very special working relationship.  We agreed at the very beginning that these books are “ours”.  That means our individual egos have no room in the equation.  It’s not what I want to happen or  what she thinks we should do but what’s best for the story.  Sometimes that means we both compromise.  Even more often it means we come up with a third solution that neither of us as individuals would have arrived at but is perfect for our story.  We have very similar writing styles but very different writing strengths.  We have learned to rely on each others’ strengths and judgment completely.  It’s a fantastic working relationship which is why we’ll be writing together until the end of time.

Nancy: Everything Debbie said, times two.  I have to believe in magick and miracles because Debbie Viguie is my writing partner.  We even come up with similar fixes for problems--or brainstorm to create something we never even dreamed of.  And we love to party together.  We just spent two days at Disneyland, celebrating the conclusion of Comic-con and brainstorming about our new books.  I came home yesterday and I already miss her.

If you were fighting for your life in a dark alley (because we all know that dark alleys are where the good fights happen), which character would you choose to have your back?

Debbie: Holgar absolutely.  He is one of the only fighters who holds nothing back.  He also spends so little time living in his own head that he doesn’t second guess himself when he’s fighting.  

Nancy:  Antonio, because he would die for me if he had to.  

Random Round:

Favorite Brain food for writing?

Debbie: Cheez-Its and Coke

Nancy:  Sourdough garlic toast and those first two cups of coffee in the morning.  

You’re being exiled to an island and can have 1 paranormal power what would it be?

Debbie: Oooh...good question.  It’s a hard one to choose but I think I would go with the power of flight.

Nancy:  Teleportation!

Beer, wine, or the good stuff?

Debbie: The best stuff!  Which for me is Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider.  I keep several bottles in my pantry so that when the need to celebrate arises I can take quick advantage of it.

Nancy:  Endless rivers of cream soda.

RV-ing around the country or flying around the world?

Debbie: flying around the world!  I’m much more about the destination and not the journey.

Nancy:  Flying around the world, preferably on a magic carpet with Aladdin at my side.  

Music when you write or silence?

Debbie: It depends on my mood.  If things are going well and the writing is going smoothly then I prefer silence.  If not then music always helps get me into that right frame of mind to make things go smoothly.

Nancy:  Music, always.  A writing day without music is not a day.  I used to be a ballet dancer so maybe that has something to do with it.

Thanks to the both of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to stop by!

Nancy & Debbie have offered to giveaway 1 copy of Damned, the 2nd book in the Crusade Series!

All you have to do is leave a comment letting my know which paranormal power you'd like to have, your e-mail and name

 Here's a link to the list of all the other participants of the Damned Blog Tour, check them out too!

 *This contest IS International, and will run until midnight on Aug. 31st*

Monday, August 22, 2011

So You Have a Vampire Boyfriend? (Part 1)


Unfortunately it's not Eric Northman,



or another one of the mouth watering specimens of the mass undead population.
But nonetheless, I'm sure he's all kinds of model gorgeousness and has a killer set of fangs.

So, the relationship is most likely in the new/exciting/terrifying stage at this point. You're probably wondering to yourself, "What happens next?", or, "Are there boundaries that I don't know about?".

Well hunny there are, and thank the stars you're reading this because it could quiet possibly save your life!

Here are some simple, yet vital, suggestions you should keep in mind at all times while around your new beau.

#1: "How Big Is That Bite"
(Classify the fanger in your life)

 Venomous or Non?
~ Basically will his man fangs kill you instantly or bring on the orgasm of a lifetime?!

 Are you just a snack?
~ Is he just attached to you because you remind him of the cheeseburger he's never had? (Because you know he's old as dirt & was turned before they were even invented)

Should you be worried if he's eyeing your dog like he's dinner?
~ So maybe if your hunk of masculine fanged flesh shows up parched as a cactus in the Sahara, and your fresh out of refreshments (and/or you haven't gone "that far" yet). I'd make sure your animals are locked up in your newly purchased silver kennel....actually for safe measure make sure you're locked up too!

#2: "Give, Give, Give"
(Because Vamps just take, take take)

 Super important to talk about....probably one of those first date topics. Just slide it right in there after your take about religious beliefs.

Can I stay the night day?
Yes, this is a big step. Not only is he staying with you when he's vulnerable, but now you have to convert a space to accommodate him. Like under the bed, it's not taking from "your space" and it's dark, but you just need to make sure the duvet covers his feet.

Would you let this guy borrow your car?
Well would you? I don't know about you sister, but I cherish my car. What's his driving record like? Does he even know how to drive? Actually don't even consider it, because if his vamp speed can't get him where he needs to go, then something is DEF wrong, so a car won't help things.

#3: "When I look into your eyes I see..."
(This is gonna last how long?!)

So this is your first time too?
Since you're reading this, it's most likely your first fang filled relationship, so bust out your highlighter and take notes like your life depends on it...because does.
They live forever ya know?
And that's a looooooooooooong you're either setting yourself up for heartache, death or immortality. If I were you I'd seriously start putting those in an order of importance. (Hopefully the death one if last).

Willing to give him your mortal heart?
Most Vampires are passionate, territorial creatures, so if you're one of "those girls" who changes men like you change the color of your lip gloss, then release him now. That is unless you want someone who is constantly lurking in the bushes, has primal instincts, is crazed by the sight of you and has super creepy stalker skills. I guess some girls are into that??

Well there you have it, the first part of the Vampire boyfriend manual!
Make sure you do follow these tips, and look for, "So You Have  Vampire Boyfriend? (Part 2)" coming soon! 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cover Whore....Just because

I haven't done just a plain ole, I-melted-when-I-saw-it, Cover Whore edition in I don't know how long.
So I figured that I would share a few of the pretties I've seen lately!

 The Vicious Deep - By Zoraida Cordova
It's like mermaid meets vampire, I <3 it!

Amaranth - By Rachel Wade
Just found this cover today and am drooling over it.

As I Wake - By Elizabeth Scott
It's not often that I see a unique B&W cover like this.
I think the splash of color really makes it pop!

The Book of Dzur - By Steven Burst
Seriously?! This cover is GORGEOUS!
The detail and coloring in the dragon are FAB, plus I like that the dragon isn't completely over done
or vicious looking.

Fresh Face Friday: Bonus Mini Interview & Giveaway w/ Nathan Wrann

YES! A Fresh Face Friday bonus!

What better way to start off a Friday then with an awesome InterviewGiveaway?
So I figured that I'd ask Nathan a few questions so you guys could get to know him a little bit better :)

 If you weren't an author, what would be your dream profession?
 I would be a filmmaker. As a matter of fact, I'm currently on hiatus from film making (I have two super low budget films under my belt already, HUNTING SEASON and BURNING INSIDE and Dark Matter Heart is based on an original, unproduced screenplay that I wrote in 2005) because I don't currently have the resources (time, money) to pursue it at the level that I would like. I still want to continue to tell stories and writing novels and short stories allows me to do that without the massive money investment (and risk) involved in film making. Once I'm on my feet and established as an author I'll split my attention between writing and film making. I'd also like to go back to producing and directing for the stage as well. Ultimately I'd like to be able to do all three. As soon as I have the resources to do it at the level that it demands, my short film adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher is ready to shoot.   

Top 3 Favorite Cartoon Characters EVER?

 Carl Fredricksen from UP, Butthead from Beavis & Butthead, and Voltron (even though Voltron isn't a single character but the combination of the robotic lions operated by 5 characters. Yes, I cheated).

How long do you see the Dark Matter Heart series going for? Would there ever possibly be a spin-off?

I can currently envision 3 books. I'm somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 through with Book 2 which should be out in October and since I know where this one ends I know where book 3 begins. I envision the series becoming something where I could pick up in a year and write a standalone adventure/thriller involving Cor, Taylor and Caitlyn (and maybe a few other characters they pick up along the way). There could definitely be a spin off. I really like Taylor and I could see him getting into plenty of trouble on his own. I think it would also be challenging to write a book focused on Caitlyn, especially with some of the things she experiences in Book 2 and how her life changes.

Thanks for the opportunity and featuring Dark Matter Heart on Fresh Face Friday!

Now the GOODIES!!
There are 2 great prizes, 1 U.S & 1 International!

Here's what's up for grabs for the U.S only prize:

#1: Paperback copy of Dark Matter Heart AND some way cool DMH Pins!

#2: Copy of Dark Matter Heart Special Edition (which comes with the screen play that Dark Matter Heart was based on) AND those awesome DMH Pins

Now the International Prize:

An e-copy of Dark Matter Heart!

Pretty cool huh?!

Well, it's simple to enter & win:

  • Just leave a comment telling me what who your favorite cartoon character EVER is

  • An e-mail

  • And whether your aiming for the US prize or International

Contest will run until next Friday, August 26th
(Winners will be choosen by using Random.Org)

Fresh Face Friday 8-19-11

Who: Nathan Wrann

What: Dark Matter Heart (A Cor Griffin: Bloodsucker Novel)

A new town.
A new school.
A new beginning.
Seventeen year-old Cordell Griffin and his mother move from Los Angeles to the Pacific Northwest to deal with his "allergies," and start a healthier new life. Cor has one goal: To blend in and be invisible. Unfortunately for him, no matter how far he goes, he can't run away from his secrets. Secrets about who he is. Secrets about why he's sick. And secret...s about why so many people he meets end up dead, drained of blood.

My Thoughts: Really wanna know? Then check out my review here

Cover: Yes, I love it, but there's also a special edition cover that just came out & it's pretty wicked too!

Extra: Make sure to check out the Fresh Face Friday Bonus Giveaway!

Stalking Grounds: Facebook, Twitter, Website, Goodreads

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Giveaway Winner: A. Jacob Sweeny

Happy Hump Day!

Thanks to everyone who entered!
Now the winner of a Pulse of Heroes Magnet Calendar is......


I've e-mailed the winner and they have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be picked!

Interview & Giveaway - M.R. Merrick

Everyone welcome M.R. Merrick! (Crowd goes wild, screaming fans, girls crying)

He's the phenomenal author behind one of my favorite reads this year, Exiled!

Since he's my first male author interview I had to approach things that means no "who's the hottest guy" questions, or if he goes for Bad Boys or Sweethearts. But I was able to get some very valuables information from him! See for yourself!

 So, just to break the ice, what did you have for breakfast?

I don't eat breakfast, unless you count coffee, in which case: coffee. Although, as a self-proclaimed cereal enthusiast, I believe cereal is an acceptable substitute for all meals.

Did your inspiration for Exiled come from anywhere specific? Or did it just happen one day?


I used to write as a means of venting, never anything specific, just whatever came to mind. After a particularly rough week, I wanted an escape. I didn't want to vent my own frustration however; I wanted to disappear into another world.

I've had a long running obsession with the idea of being able to manipulate the elements, so I took that obsession and created characters and a world around it. After a long night of writing, I realized there was something special on the pages.

After reading Exiled, I’m highly anticipating the rest of the series. How many books do you see in it?

As it stands right now, there will be three, but about halfway through the first draft of Shift (the second book in the series), some cogs started turning. I have to do some major outlining, but if things go well, the series may run six. 

Who would you rather have in a fight with you? Chase or Rayna?

That's tough…but I'm going with Rayna. I'm too much like Chase. We would likely end up fighting with each other.

 Which author(s) out there do look up to, or admire?

J.K. Rowling is definitely an inspiration. Her writing is great, and her world building is phenomenal.


Ocean or Lake?

Lake. I've never seen the ocean, but I hear it's beautiful.

Fighting Vampire or Demon?

When it comes to the world I've created, demon is a very broad category, I'm going with vampire. Except Vincent. I don't want to fight him.

Pancakes or Waffles?

Waffles, strawberries, whip cream, and an unnatural amount of syrup, unless the pancakes are made into shapes. It's hard to turn away from a Mickey Mouse shaped pancake.

Garden Gnomes or Lawn Flamingos?

Gnomes. After watching Gnomeo and Juliet, flamingos just don't seem very cool.  

Classic Disney or Pixar Animation?

Lion King is my favorite, but as a whole, I'm going with Pixar. I love so much of what they create.

Now that you've learned inner workings of M.R.'s brain, it's time to giveaway some TOTALLY awesome stuff!

To enter to win an e-copy of Exiled just fill this form out!
Contest IS international and will run until Wednesday, August 24th.
Winner will be announced on the 25th, GOOD LUCK!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Interview & Giveaway - A. Jacob Sweeny

Happy Friday!!!

Today I have the pleasure of hosting my frist stop on the Romacing Your Dark Side Tour!

So everyone welcome A. Jacob Sweeny, author of Pulse of Heroes!


1. When did you start writing?
I started writing poetry as a young teenager, although I have been telling stories to others since before that.

2. If you could pick any character from any book as your sidekick, who would it be?
Being infatuated with Elliot, of course should be the obvious answer, however Elliot has a lot of who I am, built within his character. He is an Aries to a T. I am not sure if Aries men and get along with Aries women. We are both on the same crusades. When will we have to see one another? Although we are very loyal… so who knows. I adore Haneul and Kahl too.

3. What was your biggest inspiration while writing Pulse of Heroes?
The classical Hero journey intertwined with a believable coming of age story of an average girl.

4. Which actor would you see playing the hero/heroine in your book?
I haven't thought about that one. I have seen models that have some elements from Elliot, or Michelle but not the whole face nor persona. I think I'll pass this one for now.

5. How many books do you see in the series?
The Pulse series is a trilogy and Pulse of Heroes is the first novel in the long saga. The 2nd installment will be released on Halloween! Then just one more left.

Lightening Round:

Ferris Wheel or Merry-Go-Round?
Ferris Wheel

Cake or Pie?
Cheesecake Cheespie

Sunshine or Rain?

Sing or Dance in the car?

Flowers & Candy or Sweet handwritten note?
Show me the flowers boy!

Now for the giveaway!
A.J. is giving away an AWESOME Pulse of Heroes calendar magnet to a lucky winner!

All you have to do is tell me Ferris Wheel or Merry-Go-Round?

* Leave your e-mail*

Contest ends Wednesday 8/17/11, and is U.S. Only

Good Luck!