Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Help Wanted!!

So thee absolutely wonderful author, Charlie Finn, is searching for help! Here's exactly what she's looking for:

So, what’s a page without its admin? Nothing I guess ... That’s why I’m having an admin call! Wow that sounds great you say but what would i need to do? Promote, promote, Promote. I need someone who can promote me everywhere when I’m not able to do so. To post me everywhere on Facebook and get my name out there – but not till the point people get sick of hearing about me or seeing post’s about me! – I don’t expect you to promote me 24/7 but I’d like you too at least post about me every day even if it’s just once! So that includes posting on Facebook LOTS! Book pages, blogs – maybe guest blogging about me and the story I’m trying to write without giving spoilers away! – It’s also includes updating my page a lot with what I’m doing and also if I’ve been naughty and haven’t wrote anything, I need a kick up the bum quite a bit! So we’ve sorted your be promoting me a lot but what’s in it for you? Well a read of everything I’ve written so far. Which at the moment stands at 2 different unfinished version’s that I’m somehow going to merge into one. You also get to read anything new that I’ve written to review and give me feedback on it and help me make it as awesome as it can be. Your get to read everything before anyone else does so in trusting you I hope that you won’t share anything with anyone else or give anything away! I’ll develop a character into my story that will have a pretty big part in it, you get to choose their name, sex, traits and occupation and how you would like to see them develop in the story and I’ll bring them to life! And when it’s all finished I’ll even send you a free finished copy of the book! So if this sounds like you and you are very trustworthy and know what you’re doing and you think we could be a great team together and we could get along greatly then send me an email at: c_x-x@live.co.uk with the subject: ADMIN CALL p.s There is no age limit in applying but my book does have some very graphical sex scenes so please keep that in mind when applying!

All the best,
Charlie Finn x

Think you could pull this off? Get in contact with her via email or on her Facebook page HERE!

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