Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chaos, Inner Heroines & Man Candy!

This week I feel like a tornado has taken over, and I can feel my inner heroine trying so hard to keep my feet on the ground. With between the dentist, work, and the gym, I feel like my reading life has taken a down turn. Add being computer-less all next week to that and it brightens my situation OH-SO-MUCH.....not!

So I figured what better way to put my mind at ease then some Man Candy. Seriously, who doesn't like a good dose of it every once in a while? It's like giving chocolate to a grown woman, it makes everything better! (and try to tell me that this doesn't make you feel better?)


Vulgar? No. Smutty? Hell yes!

As you could probably tell, I have a thing for men with tattoos. I believe that it's my inner heroine calling out for her bad-boy. Oh we all have an inner heroine. Maybe she's the woman we imagine when we're reading a book, perhaps an alter-ego, or the main character of a story you have in your mind. So here's a question to ponder, what's your inner heroine like?

Well I'm off like a prom dress! Have reviews to finish, articles to write, and should probably get some actual work done today. Later Gators!

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