Last week six books were added to my ever expanding collection. :)
1. The Last Ember by Daniel Levin. This book was kindly sent to me by Marcia of The Printed Page. Thank you so much, Marcia! The Last Ember is Levin's debut novel, a thriller set in the worlds of archeology, religion and terrorism. The story moves from Rome to Jerusalem in search of a hidden two millennia old artefact. I cannot wait to read it!
2. & 3. Angels Beneath the Surface: A Selection of Contemporary Slovene Fiction ed. by Mitja Cankar and Tom Priestly & Marsipaania translated & ed. by Kari Klemelä and Jouni Inkala. My interest in Slovenia is nurtured by two collections I bought at my favorite bookstore. The first one is the first collection of Slovene short stories published in English outside of Slovenia since 1994, and the second one is the first collection of contemporary Slovenian poetry translated into Finnish.
4. Oscar's Books: A Journey around the Library of Oscar Wilde by Thomas Wright. It is a story of Wilde's life through his reading. How could have I resisted buying something like that!! :)
5. s'Hertogenbosch within the Walls: A Historical Exploration by Frans van Gaal and Peter Verhagen. We had a group of people from s'Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands visiting us at work. I gave them a tour of our building and told them about our services. They kindly gave me this interesting book about the old town of s'Hertogenbosch. It seems to be a very beautiful place. Browsing the book makes me want to visit s'Hertogenbosch some day.
5. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. I've read this in Finnish many, many years ago. Since reading Matt of A Guy's Moleskin Notebook praising the book I got the urge to re-read it in English. My favorite bookstore had a Wordsworth Editions paperback at only 3,90 €. That is so cheap it is practically nothing! Simply could not resist. :)
Oh, the dilemma! So many books, so many books! I'm still reading both Summer Will Show by Sylvia Townsend Warner and Farewell, Shanghai by Angel Wagenstein and enjoying them a lot. Only I would like to get started with so many other novels, too! Could we not have at least 36 hours in a day, please!! :)
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