It is Teaser Tuesday time again! Teaser Tuesday is a weekly event hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.
And the rules are:
- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
- Be careful not to include spoilers!
- Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participiants can add the book to their to be read lists if they like your teasers!
"As a child back in north London, Israel had always imagined that a life communing with books might be a life communing with the great minds and lives of the great thinkers of the past, those who had formed the culture and heritage of the world, and that it might perhaps be his role to share these riches with others. In fact, in reality, as a mobile librarian on the perpentually damp north coast of the north of the Northern Irland, Israel seemed to spend most of his time communing with the great minds and lives of thinkers who had produces Haynes car manuals, and Some Stuff I Remember About Visiting my Granny on her Farm in the Country, Before I was Horribly Mentally, Physically and Sexually Abused by my Uncles and Married Three Unsuitable Husbands and Became an Alcoholic and Lost Everything and Lived in a Bedsit in Quite a Nasty Part of a City Before Meeting my Current Husband Who is Rich, and Wonderful, and Then Moving Back to the Country, Which is Ironic When You Think About It: The Sequal, and Shape Up or Ship Out! The Official US Navy Seals Diet, and How to Become a Babilloinaire - Tomorrow!, and pastel-covered Irish, English and American chick-lit by the tonne, the half-tonne, the bushel, and the hot steaming shovel-load. "
The quote above is from page 14 of The Delegates' Choice. Part Three of Ian Sansom's The Mobile Library

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