Meet digital & cover artist, Regina Wamba!
Q: How long have you been doing photography & cover art?
A: I have been doing photography for probably like 8 years now, but recently been it’s been taking off in more than just a hobby doing models, families, seniors and weddings. Cover art and graphic design.. well I have been doing graphic design for 5 years, and cover art and digital art is something I taught myself in 2011, originally it stems from being a traditional artist with paints, charcoal, pastels, etc. I wanted to find something similar to painting and drawing, and found that with digital art, which now is turning into a passion doing cover art for authors! J
(A glimpse of Regina's work is pictured above)
Q: What cover artist do you look up to?
A: Too many to list.. but a few who are truly great artists are: Claudia McKinney, Audra Rosalie, Consuelo Parra
(Consuelo Parra's work)
Q: Usually how long is the process to create a cover?
A: Ooo.. well depends on how complex. I have spent days on a cover.. and some just a couple hours!
Q: If you could pick your top 3 authors to design a cover for, who would they be?
A: Lauren Kate, J.K. Rowling, and uhm.. soo sooo soo hard.. you or any other author! I love to read and put a picture to story.. so I guess I would love to help anyone!
Q: Top 3 Favorite Covers out there!
Well, Obviously I love the ones I’ve done. But I also love Firelight, Across the Universe, Revealers, and way too many more to list!
Lightening Round:
Cover: Hot Dude or Pretty Girl?
Pretty girl. Women are naturally much better at portraying emotion..
Morning: Coffee, Red bull or naturally perky?
Depends on the day. A good kick between coffee and Naturally Perky!
Movies: Laugh, Cry, or Scream?
Only one movie has ever made me scream.. and it was creepy. But mostly cry. I cry when people cry. Absurd.. I know. :/
Comic Hunks: Iron Man, Captain America, or Green Lantern
– Meh..Green lantern
Food: Diner, Picnic, or Drive Thru:
Kind of a romantic.. PICNIC
Hot Dudes: Jason Momoa (Khal Drago), Chris Pine (Capitan America), Alex Skarsgard (Eric Northman):
Alex Skarsgard. Nuff said.
To view more from Regina or inquire about her talented services visit any of these links: